His Proposal to You

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Late at night, you had to finish filing the documents that had to do with the Tekken Tournament coming up; the King of Iron Fist Six. You listed the fighters and any data you could find on them in alphabetical order.

"Done!" You sigh standing up, stretching and cracking the bones in your body. Nina had already left, you weren't too sure about Jin, but he had been extra sweet to you lately, and you wondered why. You pick up you handbag closing the door after yourself, you notice a small note.

Meet me in the parking lot? X

You wondered if it was Jin, then you rethought to yourself, not it a million years... Down the elevator to the parking lot floor, you head towards Jin leaning against his motorbike.

"I assume this is from you?" You snicker trying to hide your blush. He holds out a rose; a beautiful red one.

"For you," Jin paused as you took the rose, "(Y/N), I have been thinking over the past few weeks... I want you-" he paused frozen, you couldn't help but giggle at his flushed red face.

"You want me sir?"

"I want you t-to... I would like it if you were to become my partner?" Jin was nervous, and even though he said partner, you knew he really meant girlfriend. You take his hand in his surprise, holding it for warmth.

"Jin Kazama, I would like that." You lean to kiss his cheek, leaving him in shock and awe.


Hwoarang had fully recovered from his broken ribs, so you decided to take him out for Ice Cream at the Festival.

"You didn't have to do that for me." He spoke out before licking his honey comb flavoured ice cream.

"I wanted to." You reply basically biting at the cone. You walk through the crowds of people on the beautiful summer's day until you find a shady tree to sit under.

"You know, I can't wait to start training again! I've missed trained with ya!" Hwoarang admits.

"I guess I could say the same." You fake a sigh before Hwoarang nudges you, getting your joke. You giggle for a moment, before realising Hwoarang had been staring deeply into your eyes.

"What?" You grin as he gulped.

"Well I was kind of wonderin', maybe you wanted to be more than friends?"

"More than friends? What like friends with benefits?" you grin.

"No not like that, I mean if I could you know... be your boyfriend?" He went shy.

"Oh so you want to own me now?"

"What? No... Maybe?" Hwoarang was confused as you cackled.

"I'm joking! Of course, I would like that very much." Hwoarang blushed, you sat closer to him in retaliation.


At the Semi Finals, Steve was versing another tough boxer. You were his support, and people started to notice. The opponent had taken a hard swing at Steve, almost knocking him out. His muscles in his body struggled him to get up, at least he managed to stand in time. The referee blew his whistle, and Steve through punches like crazy; his fists were like speed and power combined. His opponent went down, and everyone started to count.

"One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten!" the crowd roared with excitement, with relief that Steve one. The man with the Microphone ran up to Steve, the Camera man basically in his face.

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