You First Real Embrace

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Today was your day off, so you wanted to spend your day with Jin. You didn't go out, but you stayed home and watched movies all day. You weren't really focusing on what you were watching, it was something like 'Rush Hour' or something funny like that.

"I'll be back, I'm just going to use the Bathroom." You spoke, not realising he actually was asleep. You get up, using the toilet before washing your hands and checking yourself out in the mirror. You stood there for a long time, longer than usual trying to figure out what did Jin even find good looking about yourself.

"(Y/N)?" You hear Jin call out your name with a worried tone. You follow his voice, bumping into him in the hallway.

"Jin? Are you okay?" He doesn't reply straight away, but simply locks his muscular arms around your body, you had yourself in wonder why he would do something so random.

"I thought you were gone..."

"Did you have a bad dream?"

"Must have been a nightmare..." Jin answers, your arms sliding around his waist.

"I'll always be here Jin, I won't ever leave you..." you whisper giving him comfort.

"I hope you never leave me either." He continues to hold you tight, before walking you back to the couch.

"Let's watch the rest of the film." You tell Jin leaning your body into his embrace.

Hwoarang couldn't make it to training today considering he was busy visiting his friend Steve Fox from the Tekken Tournaments. It was late at night, you had just finished your last training session for the season with Baek, beginning to pack up.

"Are you alright with walking home tonight?"

"I'm sure I'll be fine Master Baek, thank you." You Bow before heading for the change rooms. You change into jeans, a green camo singlet crop top and a black leather jacket holding your bag tight to your body. Walking at a steady pace, a few men behind you were creeping you out, you walked faster, but then a bunch of men grabbed you forcing you into the alley way.

"Mm! Mmmh!" You mumble as the man with the bandana put a gag around your mouth. You tried to fight back with your Taekwondo kicks, but the man with the leather jacket caught your legs, punching you in the face.

"Enough you little bitch!" Your breathing paces, not wanting to know what could possibly happen next. Fortunately for you, a loud Bike revved, the sound ran through your ears that was so familiar. The figure on the Bike drove closer to you and the men, he drifted right in front of the men before getting off his bike.

"You better let go of my girl."

"Oh, so this slut's yours, is she?" That was it, and as soon as he came into the light, you could see the wrath in Hwoarang's face, he kicked the guy into to wall, his kicks were as if he were in mid-air, taking out the other two men before taking the mouth gag to free you. He takes you into his embrace, tightly holding you as you cry into his chest.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

"Hwoarang..." The only thing you could say was his name.

"Come on, let's get outta here." He takes your hand putting you carefully on his bike before riding off.

Surprisingly, the local Pizza shop you worked at was over-flowing with customers. You wondered why, and every Pizza was specifically a cheesy Pizza, light on the sauce. You couldn't remember why, but then it hit you.

"Just a cheese pizza, small and light on the sauce."

It was like Deja vu, everyone was buying what Steve Fox bought.

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