Notice #1

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I know what you're thinking; where the hell is the update? I've waited so god damn long for this, and all you give me is an update and not another chapter? 

I know, I know! I am horrible for not uploading! The truth is, I haven't written much on this Tekken Boyfriend Situations! 

Emily why?!

Well I have been writing other stuff, and I just don't know what to write!

So! Here's what I am gonna do; I'm gonna let you guys decide what the next chapter/scene is going to be!

I hope I can make it up to you all!

I've just gone back to school, homework is basically in my face, so if I'm not on Wattpad, I will either be doing homework, sleeping, eating, at school or dead in a ditch somewhere.

Alright, well that's all I have to say! So please! Suggest some ideas bellow and I will be forever grateful!

~ Emirī Zoë

Boyfriend Situations // Tekken Under 30sWhere stories live. Discover now