When he asks you out

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Working as always, weeks had gone by and you began to feel different around everyone, especially Jin. One question was stuck in your head, do I have feelings for him? You were about to leave your office when a knock on the door startled you.

"Come in." You shiver, nerves taking over you as Jin slowly opens the door and closing it behind him.

"(y/n) hi," He pauses, attempting to steady himself "I have something I want to ask you." You start to feel sick, you needed to try and calm yourself down, but you shake uneasily.


"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out to dinner sometime this week?" You could tell Jin was very nervous, you calm down a little.

"Wha-I-I mean of course, I would really like that." You both smile in relief, Jin's smile made your day just that bit better.

"Alright, how about Thursday? Five O'clock?"

"Great! That's perfect!" Your excitement gets a little out of control, only for seconds before Jin gazed into your eyes.

"I'll catch you later." Jin stumbles backwards to the door. Once he leaves, you look through the blinds in your office making sure the coast was clear before you jump up and down in joy.


"Twaahh!" Both you and Hwoarang shout in sync as you both do a side wards kick as high as you could.

"Good, Session is over, I'll see you on Sunday." Baek announces bowing before leaving the room.

"Not bad for a newbie." He winks at you taking off is headband before shaking his head teasing his hair.

"Thanks." You gaze at him, but not at his eyes.

"You okay (y/n)?" He asks you. You nod walking closer admiring his red hair.

"Your hair, it's so beautiful and soft."

"My hair?" He places his hand on top of yours staring into your eyes, you gaze back.

"Yeah." You notice all of his facial features, if you were being honest he was a gorgeous man.



"Did you want to go out sometime?" You hear him stutter a little, your facial expression changes to an utter surprise.

"I would love to, kinda like a d-date?" You stammer, he beams.

"Like a date." His officially announces it, you couldn't help but lean against his sweaty chest.

"I can't wait."


After that match and reuniting with Steve, you felt something you never felt before. Could it be love? Bliss? What is it? You begin to think deeply you forget you were at work.

"Ehem," Your boss Richard interrupts your deep thought "Shouldn't you be leaving?" You had forgotten the time.

"Yeah sorry Boss." You walk out to the locker room collecting your belongings. You stumble to the front counter waving off your boss before strutting outside. It was dark, you see Steve waiting just outside his car.

"Thanks for this, my car broke down and I didn't have anyone else to call."

"It's no matter, c'mon I'll take you home." You sit yourself in the passenger seat, Steve driving at a steady speed.

"How was work?"

"It was okay, I just could stop thinking-" You stop yourself midsentence.

"Thinking about what?" Your nerves begin to grow as you twitch your fingers.

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