Your First... Date?

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Finally. It was Thursday night and you as usual, nervous awaiting Jin to pick you up. You wait outside your house, waiting to get picked up. You hear a sound, an engine perhaps... Oh no... Jin had rocked up outside your house on his motorbike, and to make things worse, you would have to pull up your dress to the top of your thighs.

"Hi Jin." Your voice cracks a little showing you're a little edgy.

"(y/n), you look beautiful." He chooses to ignore your nervous thoughts.

"Thank you." Walking towards him, you sigh after he turns away grabbing a helmet.

"Here." Jin places the helmet in your hands. Before taking off, you roughly shove the helmet on to face your motorbike fear once again. You arrive at a restaurant but not just any, the one you disliked the most, but then again you think how would he know? You get seated quickly which you were relieved by. A waiter came by as soon as you both sat down offering drinks. You chose a lemon lime and bitters because you weren't in the mood for alcohol.

"(y/n), I was hoping you could work on these files." Work was the subject he was going to talk about, and you were hoping he would come up with something else.

"Yeah sure." You receive an email checking your phone to see files of the Tekken Tournament.

"Are we ready to order?" A waitress pops up out of nowhere.

"Yes, I will order the Chicken Scallopini."

"And I'll have the Cabonara." You give the waitress a smile. She leaves and you turn to look at Jin.

You and Jin waited around half an hour until your meal comes out, and the waiter happened to be your ex. He sat down Jin's plate perfectly, then turning to you he 'spilt' the hot Cabonara all over your chest.

"Oh I am so sorry." He says sarcastically.

"And this is why we broke up Trent!" You yelp walking out of the restaurant. Jin soon follows you out with the sense of disappointment.

"I'm sorry (y/n)." You turn around.

"I think I just want to go home." You were upset, but not at Jin. You felt bad that your date ended the way you didn't expect, you have a last minute thought.

"Come back to mine, and we'll have dinner there." His facial expression changes.



After a long hard practice of Taekwondo, both you and Hwoarang go to the closest shopping centre to grab a bite and a drink.

"Hey you wanna go to Schnitz?" Hwoarang suggest, you nod in agreement. You were in the back seat whilst Hwoarang drove, you attempted to take off your shirt and put a new one on, except you kept having trouble with pulling your singlet down over your chest.

"You alright back there?" Hwoarang looks in the revision mirror staring at your breast.

"Hwoarang keep your eyes on the road!" You freak out for a second before Hwoarang adjusts his eyes onto the road. Both you and Hwoarang arrive at the nearest shopping centre, Hwoarang quickly changes out of his Taekwondo outfit and changing into his biker outfit.

"Are we eating in or taking away?"

"We'll eat in."

Around Twenty minutes later, you and Hwoarang were sitting down eating your raps.

"This is really good, thanks Hwoarang." You smirk for a little while. Except he doesn't smile in return.

"Are you okay Hwoarang?" You notice he's upset.

Boyfriend Situations // Tekken Under 30sWhere stories live. Discover now