King of Iron Fist Tournament 6

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Doing your usual paper work, you were wondering what the loud noises were in the many floors above you. You couldn't help your curious mind, but to snoop around. You take the elevator to the second floor from the top before using the stairs in case Jin would catch you in the act. Reaching the top floor, you see Jin practicing his fists of fury, kicks of fire, and puffs of air causing him to sweat.

"Jin? What you doing?"

"I'm preparing for the tournament. You should go." An unexpected sentence struck you, putting you off.

"Jin... Were you even going to tell me about this Tournament?" You look down in sadness, Jin stands with his head tilted slightly staring at you.

"I don't think we should be together anymore."


"This Tournament, it may possibly mean my death; the destruction I am about to cause... I don't want you getting part of it..."

"Part of what? Jin what have you done?"

"I've destroyed this world. The war going on has just started, and it's not going to end until the both of them die a painful death!" He begins to scare you, but you decide to leave.

"Whatever you do, don't think you come back to me after creating this war." You don't turn back, you keep walking with your frustrations to yourself.

After today's practice, you wait for Hwoarang. You didn't know what he was practicing ever so extreme.

"Finally! Now I can compete against Kazama!"


"Yes, the idiot who is started this stupid war. We've been rivals since the third tournament. Kazama has seriously messed things up, and now I must try and defeat him!" Hwoarang clutches his fist, staring intensely.

"And how do you think you're going to fight?"

"He's hosting the sixth King of Iron First Tournament, and I am going to fight him." You look down, before looking up to him.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay? I don't want you getting hurt... Needless to say you did get hurt not long ago, your ribs... aren't you still healing?"

"Hmph! I can't believe you think I can't do it!" You widen your eyes, scarce.

"N-no Hwoarang! It's not what I meant! I just want you to be safe! That's all!" You worry on what Hwoarang might say to you next. You weren't sure what was suppose to happen, but all he does is take you into his arms.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down, not ever! I promise to come back to you after this tournament." All he continues to do is hold you tighter and tighter.


"I promise."

You decide to take a walk after what had happened days before to get yourself together after the false rumours. You were glad no one was around until you appeared at the closest shopping centre where everyone was suddenly around. Thank god for yourself, you had a hoodie on so no one really noticed you. Everyone was there because of one man; Steve Fox. You stand back in the crowd; Steve was standing above everyone else on the podium stage. A woman rather overdressed, prepared for an interview stands beside him; her body language made you jealous.

"So, Mister Fox... Tell me about this Tournament you plan on entering."

"The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6? I plan on Fighting for the right of Boxing! This war has caused destruction to what I love, I plan on fighting along with Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law." Steve announces.

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