When you first meet him

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Today was your first day at your new Job. You had applied everywhere but no one apart from this particular work force had gotten back to you. Walking into the building was intimidating seeing it was a four story building. All you knew of was the top level is the boss's office. The slow ride in the elevator caused you to be, to an extent, distressed. The ting of the Elevator sounds letting you know the doors were about to open. You hesitantly walk out into a room of black and brightness reflecting from the big screens that face you metres away. You suddenly stop, your heart skips a beat and you see no one. Sighing of sadness, you gradually turn back around wading as a tear leaves your eye. Awaiting the Elevator, you hear the same noise as the doors open to a muscly structured man. His light brown eyes glowed, hair in his face and perfectly fluffed back. He looked professional wearing a long leather trench coat covering his formal shirt and pants. You blink once or twice before realising it was reality.

"Hello there, you must be (y/n)?" He stands in front examining you. You nod trying to hide your blush.

"I was told you were coming at four, Nina must have told you the wrong time..." He sighs "But good thing you're here, I could get to know you better." his frown turns to a smile, you can't help but feel lust and relaxation following him towards his desk.

I like you already!

You've just broken it off with your now ex-boyfriend due to the fact he had fallen for another woman. You bawled your eyes out, No one will ever love me again. The repetitive thoughts make you cry harder covering your face with your hands clashing with another body.

"Watch it!" the man says before realising you were upset.

"Sorry I just-"

"Are you okay?" He interrupts you. Looking up to see the stranger, all you see is a tall jaw structured perfectly for his face. His red auburn hair glossy and out of his face, goggles holding back his hair.

"No." You express your feelings, the man unexpectedly wipes away your tear with his thumb. You stare at each other for several minutes before you look down, then back up.

"I know you don't know me, but did you want to talk about it?"

"No it's okay." He looks past you

"Did you want a ride?" You turn around to a motorbike and you couldn't help but feel excited.

"Sure." You follow his lead hoping on the back holding him tight. This is different, but it feels right.

You work at a Pizza shop, Cheesy Slices. You are currently counting the money in the till as the store was dead leaving you with nothing to do. The unusual happens metres outside your store, a young man with hundreds of Cameras surrounding the poor guy. He manages to slip into the store locking camera crew outside. Seeing in his body language, he was relieved to be separated from the paparazzi clouding the shop.

"You okay there sir?" You ask politely, as the gentleman turns around and you go into shock. You happen to know almost everything about him, how his blonde hair was slicked back his eyes glimmered blue and you were breathless.

"Yeah I'm right, just wanted pizza with no fuss." He says heading towards the counter.

"What could I get for you?" You take out your notepad and pen trying to stop your tremor in your hands.

"Just a cheese pizza, small and light on the sauce." He says whipping out his wallet from his red pants.

"Anything else?" you had rushed your writing, he shakes his head.

"No thank you pretty." He compliments you. You try to hide the fact you were turning red, but he sees it in your face.

"Never thought Steve Fox would complement me." Giggling, Steve roughs up his hair chuckling.

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