After the Seventh Tournament

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It wasn't until Jin woke up from his coma that you had felt like it was forever. The slight turn in his head and twitch of his eyes had made you feel nervous and excited at the same time.

"J-Jin?" You call his name as his eyes open just the tiniest bit.

"(Y/N)...?" Jin sits up, you flick hair out of his eyes.

"Jin, what happened? I know what I said was harsh, but you really scared me."

"I fought Azazel. The Devil from him is gone."

"You created a war to defeat someone named Azazel?"

"Well... not just for that. It's hard to understand..." You cock a brow, Jin sighs.

"I just hope you know what you're doing Jin." You squeeze his hand as he stands up before putting on his leather jacket.

"I hope you know (Y/N)..." You look over to him, "I wanted to tell you that I still like you... It may even be more." You smile at that fact he still has deep feelings.


You awaited beside him; he had been severely hurt. His right eye had been damaged from the effect of the bomb. Hwoarang lays there helplessly asleep, you sit there watching and waiting for him to wake up.

"How much longer until he awakes?" You ask the nurse, she awkwardly checks her watch and the chart.

"By looking at the way he is now, I'm not sure when he will wake." She walks away, you start to feel uncomfortable.

"Hwoarang... please wake up." You stand up walking around in circles just wanting something to happen.

"Hwoarang, please know that I need you... please wake up! I can't do this without you..." You try to wake him up with words leaving your lips, but nothing happens. You hope for the worst that perhaps he won't wake up today, you decide to leave slowly. Shrugged with shoulders over, sadness consumes you and not knowing if your lover will awake anytime soon.

"Please Hwoarang... please don't leave me alone in this cruel world..." A tear leaves your eye. You knew you would come back tomorrow and try again.

"Excuse me miss?" You turn around to see a nurse had just jogged up to you panting.


"Mr Doo San has woken up, you might want to come back." You rush past the nurse straight and straight by his side, Hwoarang moves his head to the side staring at you.

"Hey good-lookin'."

"Oh Hwoarang... I'm so glad you're awake!" His right eye closed, you see his smirk and it makes you pleased to know he is awake.


"Boy am I glad that Tournament is over, and now I can actually spend time with my girl." Steve kisses your neck, a sweet feeling you enjoy.

"Me too." You chuckle at the thought of Steve being beside you. You both sat down not even watching the TV, but smothering each other. Your phone rings causing the both of you to jump; it's your Boss Richard.

"Oh shoot!" You answer the phone, "Hello?"

"(Y/N), do you know what time it is?"

"I-I um... It's six o'clock?"

"Yes. Which means you're going to be late for your shift. Are you coming in?"

"Yes! I'm leaving right now!" You stand up dashing towards your room as you start undressing and redressing into your uniform.

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