Skippin' School

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Gaege Pov

Holy crap. I just skipped half of class with my love. Well, it wasn't really planned, but I spent it with him! And he knows that I exist! And not just as the guy with the hopeless love. He's still completely blind to it though. I thought he would figure it out when my heart started glowing. I mean, when else would I have come in contact with them? And wouldn't it have stopped glowing once I got tripped? I love his stupidity. He's too blind to what's right in front of him. It's the last hour of the school day, and I'm not going to try sneaking into class. Instead, I sneak past the class rooms and get out of the school. I walk back to my house. My parents won't be home for a while, and I can delete the voicemail they'll get from school about me missing the last hour of the day. I look down at the half heart that is still glowing slightly. I find one of my old yearbooks and flip through it. I find myself in 8th grade. I still looked like a punk, even all the way back then. Then I find Eddie. He has his hair gelled upwards with a nice dress shirt on. I smile at the picture. Then I flip to the back. I look at all the autographs on it. One catches my eye. It's Eddie's name and a few other words quickly scribbled across the page. I don't remember him signing it. It's the classic 'Have a great summer' and there's a little smiley face next to it. I wonder if I signed his as well. I continue flipping through the pages, looking at how dorky we all looked in 8th grade. 

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!!!!!!!

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