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Gaege Pov

I roll out of bed and walk to the bathroom to get in the shower. I rub the soap over my body and something catches my eye. My half heart. But it isn't half anymore. It's whole. WHAT! Close to 18 years and it's finally whole! Wait, that means. Eddie's in love with me. Eddie fell in love with me. All that time I spent with him, he fell in love with me. All those days where I was so close to giving up, I'm glad that I kept faith. Because here we are. Eddie is in love with me! I quickly finish my shower and get dressed. The smile on my face is gigantic. I choose to wear a t-shirt so that everyone can see that my heart is full. After all of these years, it's finally full. I don't tell my parents as I rush out of the house. I run most of the way to school. Once I get there, my smile fades. There's a group of guys crowded by the door.

"Oh look. Little loverboy has a full heart now. What did you do? Color in the rest of the heart?" The tallest guy says.

"N-no," I stutter. He grabs my wrist and starts smudging his thumb over the heart, trying to rub it off. I know it won't budge though. He gives up hope when he sees that it isn't smearing.

"Who's the unlucky girl then?" He smirks.

"N-none of your business," I say. I push past them.

"Oh, but do tell," he says.

"F*ck off," I mutter. Then Eddie appears. I self consciously cover my heart. He's about to shout in their faces when he sees me rubbing my wrist. Then the tall guy shouts again.

"So he's a little f*g. Not surprising. Wow Eddie. You have a little f*iry in love with you."

"Shut your ignorant mouth," Eddie growls. Eddie pushes him and I try to get away from the scene. I don't want to be a reason for a fight. No matter the reason. People are crowding around, and I'm trying to push through them. I'm finally away when I hear a teacher shout.

"Break it up! Break it up!"

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!!!!!!

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