Don't You Have Party To Be At?

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Eddie Pov

After school, I stand outside on the ledge, waiting for Gaege to come. I text my friends, telling them that I won't be able to hang out tonight. A string of pissed off texts come through after that, but I ignore them. Gaege comes out, with earbuds in both of his ears, carrying two books, and reading one. He walks past me, not noticing me. I walk up next to him and tap him on the shoulder. He jumps and drops the books that he was carrying. 

"Oops, sorry," I say and grab the books. He takes out one of his earbuds.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be off with your friends?" Gaege asks.

"We were going to hang out. Don't you remember?" I ask.

"I thought you were joking," Gaege says.

"And why would I be?" I ask.

"Because there are much better things to be doing than hanging out with me. It's a Friday afternoon. Don't you have like a party to plan or a party to be at?" Gaege asks.

"That's not really how I like to spend my nights. Hangovers suck anyway," I say.

"I didn't say anything about beer. I just meant that you should be at one. With all of your friends," Gaege says. "Or maybe be studying. But there are much better things to do than be here with me."

"Nonsense," I say. 

"Well, I was just going to go home and do homework. So if you want to do that, then you can follow me. It won't be very interesting though," Gaege says.

"I need to get homework done too so lets go," I say.

"You are unbelievable," Gaege says. He puts his earbud back in and keeps on walking. Avoiding eye contact with me. The half heart on his wrist is lightly glowing. I didn't see him interact with anyone other than me and Grant today though. But then again, I didn't see him that much. The few times I would see him, I get crowded by everyone and he disappears into the crowd. So maybe he didn't talk with him today. I wish he would tell me who it was though. I know I shouldn't push, but I could maybe help then if he would just tell me. I look down at my own wrist. The heart that was once full, is now only an outline. It completely faded within a day. Well, I guess she wasn't the one. It's better to just move on anyway.

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!!!!!

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