Chapter Five

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Louisa stood standing behind Scott, Hank and Hope while the three of them were unconscious and tied to the chair they were each sitting on. Scott was the first to wake up from being unconscious. Louisa watched Scott struggle and look around then he looked at Hope.

Hope, Hope, Hank, guys, Scott said. Louisa rolled her eyes at Scott's failed attempt to get Hope and Hank to wake up. Ava appeared in front of Scott, Hope and Hank. I don't think they can hear you, hi I'm Ava, Ava told Scott. Scott, so you don't need the suit to uh go through things, Scott questioned Ava. No, it just helps me control it and the pain supposedly, Ava answered Scott.

You're not going to reach into my chest and crush my heart are you? Scott asked Ava. Ava chuckled and walked towards Scott. You're funny, Ava told Scott. Ava knelt down and looked up at Scott. I'm not going to hurt you Scott unless I have to, Ava told Scott. I need what's in you're head, Ava told Scott as she moved both her hands towards Scott to touch both sides of his face.

Ava's hands began phasing causing Ava to loo at both her hands then pulling her hands away from Scott's face. Let's wake up the rest of the gang and get this over with shall we, Ava told Scott. Ava stood up and walked behind Scott, Hope and Hank. Get up, Ava said angerly as she kicked the chair Hope was on causing Hope to finally wake up. Come on, ava said still angerly as she moved to kick the chair Hank was on causing Hank to also finally wake up. Louisa watched as Hope turned her head to look at Hank. Dad, Hope said.

Don't ever touch him again, Hope told Ava. Louisa could tell Hope was concerned for her dad since Louisa understood with how she would also be concerned for her own parents back when they were alive. Now, now Hope, I think I'm being rather gentle with you're father all things considered, Ava told Hope. What the hell are you talking about? Hank questioned Ava.

Another causality of Hank Pym's ego, Bill said as he walked into the room. Bill, what have you done? Hank asked Bill. It's what you've done Dr. Pym, Ava told Hank. Louisa walked out from behind Scott, Hope and Hank to stand beside Ava. You're both with her? Scott questioned both Bill and Louisa. Aw man I thought you were cool, Scott told Bill. And who are you? Scott questioned Louisa. Who I am is none of your business or Hope and Hanks business Scott, Louisa told Scott.

What the hell is going on here? Hope asked. I doubt Hank has ever mentioned my father, why would he? Elihas Starr, they were colleagues at shield, quantum research until my father dared disagreed with the great Hank Pym, Ava told Hope. You had him fired and discredited for good measure, my father tried to continue his research on his own desperate to restore his name so he took risks, too many until something went wrong, Ava told Hank.

He told us to run, I could tell he was scared, I didn't want him to be alone, when I woke up my parents were dead, I wasn't so lucky, they call it "molecular disequilibrium", a rather dull name, I think, doesn't quite do justice to what it means, every cell in my body is torn apart and stitched back together over and over every day, Ava finished saying. I was still at shield when I got the call about a quantum anomaly in Argentina, Bill said. 

Dr. Foster did his best to keep me safe, but others at S.H.I.E.L.D. Saw an opportunity in my affliction, they built me a containment suit so I could control my phasing and trained me to be a stealth operative, they weaponized me, I stole for them, spied for them, I killed for them and in exchange for my soul they were going to cure me, they lied, Ava finished.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed I took Ava in, I built the chamber to slow her decay but her condition was progressive, I didn't know how to cure it, Bill said. Suddenly there was sounds of a phone ringing with duck sounds. She wanted to kill you Hank but I told her no and that she should watch you instead and sure enough she discovered that you were building the tunnel, Bill told Hank as the phone rang again which annoyed Louisa.

Then she told us about Lang and the message from Janet inside his head, that's when I, Bill said before the phone ringing interrupted him. Louisa rolled her eyes in annoyance. Christ's sake! Bill said. Bill walked towards the phone. That's me, I'm sorry, Scott apologized. Look, can you tell me who's texting me? Scott asked Bill. Bill held the cellphone in front of Scott. Cassie, 911, Bill answered Scott.

That's my daughter, I need to text her back, Scott said. No that's not happening, Bill told Scott. What, it's 911, that means it might be an emergency, Scott told Bill. You're not making demands here Lang, you're not appreciating the gravity of the, Bill told Scott before the cellphone ringing interrupted him yet again. Ok, look she's trying to video chat me now, something might be wrong, let me talk to her, please, Scott pleaded with Bill. Louisa watched Bill answer the cellphone and faced it towards Scott.

Cassie are you ok? What's the emergency? Scott questioned his daughter. I can't find my soccer shoes, Scott's daughter told Scott. What? Scott asked his daughter. I have a game tomorrow, Scott's daughter told Scott. Hey Scott, I know that they're there, a woman's voice said to Scott. Can you just walk the phone around the house? the woman asked Scott. No I can't do that right now, Scott said. Why not? the woman asked. Because I'm sick, Scott lied.

Hey can you just maybe look around later then and call me back? Please?, thank you, the woman asked Scott. Bye daddy, Scott's daughter said. Bye peanut! Scott told his daughter. Feel better! Scott's daughter told Scott. Feel better buddy! a man's voice told Scott. The call ended. I'm sorry, it said emergency, Scott apologized. Ava I want to help you, Hank told Ava. She doesn't need you're help, I know how to save her, Hank told Bill. 

Oh, really? How? Hank questioned Bill. Janet, Ava replied. For the last 30 years she's been down there absorbing quantum energy, we can extract that energy, we can use it to repair Ava's molecular structure, Bill said. Extract it, Hank exclaimed, Yes, Bill replied. Are you insane? Hank questioned Bill. That would rip Janet apart, Hank said. You don't know that, I'm gonna fire up you're tunnel when Janet's location pops into Lang's head he's gonna give it to me or I'm gonna turn him over to the FBI, Bill said. What? Scott questioned Bill.

You are gonna stay here just in case I need you're help, Bill said, as he picked up and threw the device at Ava's chamber to make it shrink. Like hell I would help you, Hank yelled angerly. You'll do whatever I say, Ava told Hank. You're going to kill Janet, Hank exclaimed. I'd be more worried about yourself Hank, Ava told Hank. Goddamn it Bill!, Hank said. Dad? Hope questioned. Calm down Hank, Bill told Hank.

So help me God, the pills, Hank said, while looking as if he were in pain. It's his heart! He needs his pills, please Dr. Foster, they're in the tin, please, he could die! Come on! Hope pleaded. Louisa was concerned for Hank's health since he was an old man after all. Help him! Scott pleaded with Bill. Dad just hang on, all right. Hope pleased with her dad.

Just keep breathing, stay calm, Hope told her dad. Help him, man! come on!, Scott pleaded with Bill. The Altoid tin! Hope exclaimed to Bill. Bill finally moved to grab the Altiod tin in order to help Hank and began walking towards Hank opening it. Wait! Ava exclaimed at Bill. Bill opened it and a few giant red ants came out causing Bill go back up, Ava fell down moving backwards and Louisa quickly moved backwards  to get away from the red ants.

Louisa watched unable to stop the one any from cutting Scott, Hank and Hope loose. Ava moved towards Hope only for Hope to show a blast out her suit at Hope, causing Ava to yell. While the red ants had Louisa and Bill cornered Scott, Hank and Hope to steal back what Louisa and Ava had stolen from them and Hank, Scott and Hope made their escape.  Louisa felt anger towards Scott, Hank and Hope and fear that she may lose Ava because of them only if she and Bill didn't find the cure in time to save Ava's life. Louisa more than ever was willing to do whatever it took to make sure Ava got that cure.

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