Chapter 11 - Broken

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Warning: Gore, Violence and the story is still dark.


"I'm just a normal girl with a normal life. I'm just like any human being in this world. Yet I have no features that makes me the hero or the protagonist of the story. I'm not strong or brave or anything that makes a hero. Yet I feel like I'm leading the story that this author is creating. But to say... Me the hero is such an unfitting and hard role for me... What a tragedy..."

The voice kept calling into your head non-stop. Like it attempts to make you lose your mind. You try your hardest to ignore it but it just won't shut up. Just how persistent is this voice?

wHY dO YoU iGNorE mE ______?

'Just shut up.'

ThaT wAsN't vERy pOLitE nOw iS iT? I rEaLLy rEcOMMenD yOu aPolOgIZe


You were gripping on to your scalp and pulling your hair in anger. Your outrage seemed to have silenced the voice down for now.

You gently released your grip from the sudden silence. You realized you were sitting and leaning against a tree in the camp. People were to engrossed with the new scenery to notice you.

Well, it's not like you wanted them to see what you did. Or they'll get concerned.

"You okay ______?" You looked up to see Robin standing in front of you. "You seem frustrated from how you gripped onto your hair like that."

Robin sat beside you and leaned against the tree as well. "I-it's nothing..." you lied but Robin figured it out already. It was obvious and you're a bad liar in the first place.

"Stop lying ______. Please tell me what's going on." you sighed in defeat. So why not?

"I don't know how to put it but... There's a voice inside my head." you started. Robin looked at you in shock. Both from what you said about the voice and you not lying again.

"When did this all happen?" Robin asked as he continued the interrogation. "This morning. I had a nightmare and the voice was in it and now it's here as well." You grimaced and tightly gripped onto your arm. Embracing yourself in fear.

"Is it still there?"

"No, it seems to be gone for now. I don't sense it's presence anymore."

"Huh, is that so? Let me know if the voice comes back. Okay?" Robin stood up and gave you a genuine smile. He pet your head and walk away. You place your hand on the place where Robin touched.

(If Robin's your boy) You felt your cheeks painted red from the contact of his warm hands. You're so glad that Robin is caring about you. Besides, you do have feelings for him.

The others must be wondering where you are so you decided to join up with them.

You were mid-way to standing up until the voice came back.

hOPed yOu mISSeD mE ______

You harshly fell down on your side from the sudden return of the voice. You were once again gripping onto your scalp like it was your sanity.

'Just go away! What do you want from me!'

wHaT iF I tOLd yOu i waNTeD tO sEe yOu iN aGoNY, pAiN, sAdNEss AnD miSeRy? dOeS tHat aNsWeR yOuR qUeSTioN dEAr?

You then saw images of everyone covered in blood, lying on the ground lifeless. So much were entering your brain.

Tears were already bursting out of your eyes from these images. Some were just so gruesome to even talk about. The images kept coming to your head like wild fire. Your head felt like it was going to explode.

You couldn't take any of this anymore.

You screamed at the top of your lungs. The others heard you and came as soon as they can.

"_______?! _______?!"

"Hey! What's going on?!"

You stopped screaming and your energy was drained out. Darkness covered your sight and the voices of the others faded. Then nothing was seen but darkness.


Consciousness was returning bit by bit as you saw Rosalina and Luma beside you whiling you're lying down. Sight was fully back as you noticed that you're back in your tent.

"You okay ______?" Rosalina asked you as she took the towel out of your forehead. Rosalina was about to place a new wet towel but you decided to sit up.

"What happened?" You asked the maiden.

"We all heard you screaming all of the sudden. When we saw you, you were screaming out so loud and crying. We were about to do something but you suddenly lost consciousness." Rosalina gently pushed you down to lie down.
She wanted you to rest.

"Oh..." you grimaced of how you made everyone worried.

"THEY'RE HERE!" someone shouted from outside. Rosalina gasped from the cry and charged out of the tent for support.

You had an urge to see what's going outside. Curiosity took over your mind as you exit the tent.

You only took a peak and saw the shadow creatures again. They must've ambushed the camp. You were about to go back in the tent in fear.

Before you tried to go back inside the tent unseen, the creatures saw you and chased after you.

"Ahh!!" Without thinking, you quickly got out of the tent to escape from the creature. The creature followed you so you had no choice but to hide.

You were behind a tree as a temporary hiding spot. You slightly peeked through the side and saw the creature wasn't there. You sighed in relief and decided to move out but the creature was right behind you.

Before it slash it's claws at you. You felt a stick on the ground and immediately grabbed it. You slammed it as hard as you can against the creature's head in hopes that you will hurt it just a little bit for you to buy time to escape.

The stick was thick enough to hurt but you didn't expect it to kill it.

It did.

Black liquid was splattered everywhere. It was all over your cloths, your face and the grass. It was everywhere.

You looked around and instantly regretted it. There you saw the head of the creature completely cut off from it's body from the impact. The body lied on the ground lifelessly as the black liquid which you assumed was blood was around it.

Especially from the neck area.

The sight was making you sick, of how disgusting and horrifying it is. You have never in your life killed something and looked so gruesome in the end.

You touched your face as you felt blood.

You gripped onto your scalp again. Like it was your beacon of hope for you to not lose your sanity.

Little did you know, that you never had any in first place.

"A tragedy isn't it?"


Short A/N:

I'm going to be on hiatus for a week. It's just a lot of school work and stuff.

So no updates for... 10 million years... sorry...

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