Answer - Pleasure

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"Pleasure..." You answered.

The girl placed her cold hand on your chest where your heart is. She said one word as it creates fear.


You felt like your heart was being roughly grabbed by a hand. Every second felt like the grip was getting tighter.

You fell down on the ground from your side as you felt the intense pain. Your heart literally felt like it was going to explode.

Your sight was getting blurry and you tried to breath. Every single organ in your felt like they were squeezing in inside of you.

You suffered every second.

Then your heart exploded inside of you. Blood no longer pumped through your body to keep you alive.

Your vision went blurry to dark. The last thing you saw was the girl standing in front of you as she watched you suffer.

The last thing you heard was:



You felt wind. Blowing around your body as you felt the cold. Grass under your feet and a blue sky above your head.

A soft melody sync with the wind as it creatures a harmony.

The darkness that covered your eyes disappeared as you saw a beautiful field. Clouds and the sun in the blue sky.

Tall green grass surrounded you and covered the area.

You decide the take one step of the field but caused the grass to turn into the ugly gold color.

You, taken by surprised fall down on your butt. You watched grass turn gold to black and withered.

The soil underneath you dried up and turned into sand. Then every grass in the field withered and died.

The clouds covered the sky and painted it gray. The beautiful sight was gone.

The ground cracked as you fell down. You screamed as you fall. Falling into the abyss.


As soon as you came in this world, the seal that hold the monster Master Core has broke.

As long as you stayed in this world. The seal gets weaker until one day it got destroyed. That caused these shadow creatures to roam around.

There is no way to defeat Master Core. So when you leave, the seal will recreate and reseal it.

Yet, you want to stay with these 'Video Game' characters. Just how selfish and stupid are you?

You quickly open your eyes to see yourself in a really small dark room. Strings were attached to you throughout your body as they connect to the walls.

In front of you was a light that showed the floating islands you were in. It was like a screen that showed you outside.

It was night time and you felt the room going up. Your hand lifted in the air without your command.

It just moved on it's on. Your hand whip down through the air as you heard a huge crash.

In the screen, you saw a gigantic shadow hand on the edge of the island. The hand looked familiar...

A few seconds pasted as you saw Palutena with the others as she stared at you in shock.

"What is that?!" cried Zelda as she looked at you.

"It's a monster!" Palutena then readied her staff to defend.

They way Palutena said 'Monster' hurt you. Her tone in fear but mostly disgust.

Your arms moved on it's on again as it swings. The swing hit the (Guys who aren't your BOC) others.

Zelda hit you with Din's fire as you felt a small burn on your stomach. But it didn't affect you which cause Zelda to stared in shock.

Palutena then turn around and screamed familiar words.

"______! Rosalina! (BOC)! Evacuate everyone and get out of here!" You turned to see Rosalina, (BOC) and... You.

You swing your arms down towards Palutena.


The horrid experience happened again. You gave Palutena an another crush as her blood splattered everywhere. Again.

Time passed as you're at the part where (BOC) died under your hands and fault.

You wanted to cry but you didn't know how. You tried to feel horrible but you didn't know how...

You watched as you watched your pathetic self cry as she ran.


This kept repeating...

It has been 8,850 times since this repeated and counted.

You've been here watching this 8,850 times inside of the monster.


You got the 'Bad Ending'


Play again?

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