Ending 2 - Pit

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It's been a few days since your last encounter with the Pit look-alike. This feeling in you just crave for you to see him again. It wasn't because he looked like Pit (Which is the main reason), it's just that you feel like there's something more to it.

At the moment, you were on your way home from school. You couldn't walk with Anna since she was busy with... something, so you had to go alone.

You let out a sigh as you feel the summer heat against your skin. You wanted to go home and turn on every single fan in the house.

You weren't paying attention as you bump into someone once again. You fell on the cement ground and so did the person you bumped into.

"Sorry!" said the person. You turned your attention to them and saw a boy with chocolate brown hair and blue eyes.

'Wait a minute... He's the guy I bump into earlier today!'

"Hey! You're that guy I saw this morning!" you blurted out without thinking. The boy's eyes widen as he seem to have realized that as well.

"Y-yeah." he replied as you let out a hand out for you. You openly grab it as he helped you up.

"Man, I'm bumping into you a lot!" you said to the Pit look-alike, for some reason trying to make a conversation. "Yeah you're right." he simply replied. The way he talk made him sound awkward around you. Without making him feel even more uncomfortable than he already is, you decided to end it there.

"Well um... bye!" you said as you waved and walked away.

He was watching your back as you go. His face filled with grim.

"She really does not remember me..."


It was starting to bother you. Whenever you go out, you would always bump into or see that boy.

'Maybe he's my stalker? ... Nah, boys aren't interested in me and he's too cute to be a stalker... Besides, he doesn't have that creepiness of a stalker...'

Here you are staring at the boy's hand as you are on the ground from another fall. You didn't take the hand, you stood up on your own.

"Okay! You better tell me why I always see you whenever I go outside! Are you stalking me?!" you yelled at the boy while pointing a finger at him. Thank Lady Palutena, there's not a lot of people around but you were still making a scene.

The boy had his hands out in a defensive manner and sweating nervously. "I-I'm sorry!" he cried out as he place both of his hands on your temple.

Before you could react, he placed a kiss on your forehead and memories started to flow into your head.

When you first met Pit. When he comforted you. When he gave you roses. When he grieved for you and lastly, when he died in front of you.

Tears came out of your eyes as Pit took his lips away from your forehead.

"P-pit?" you moved your head towards him. He smiled as he gave you an embrace. "______... I missed you..."

"I missed you too Pit... Oh! and sorry for yelling at you like that!"

"I-it's fine..."


You could feel the cool air blowing onto you as the fan spin. At that moment, you were eating ice cream but stopped when you heard your phone ring.

"Hello?" you spoke into it. "Heyo ______!" said the voice as you immediately recognized as Anna's.

"What?" you simply replied. Just wanting her to get onto the point for ruining such perfect moment. "Okay rude much but there's going to be a carnival tonight! It's in that park where I live close to! You should come!" said Anna.

"Uh... sure why not?"

"Okay! See you soon!" Anna immediately ended the call. You placed your phone on the ground and continued to eat.


'Ugh! She's late! Like all the time!'

You absentmindedly tapped your foot in impatience as you waited for Anna. This wasn't the first time she was late but you got used to it. But right now, you're not in the mood.

"I'm here!" you turned around to see your best friends breathing heavily. You then gave her glare. "You're late..."

"Oooh... Cold but anyway! Let's go!" said Anna in her usual cheery way and pushed you inside the area of where the carnival was taking place.

It's been two hours having fun and your wallet was almost empty.

'Damn these delicious carnival food and fun carnival rides!'

"Oh! ______!" you heard someone call your name as you found out the person was Pit. "Hey!" you said to him. Anna saw the two of you together and an evil smirk was plastered on her face.

"Hmmm? Who's this ______?" asked Anna teasingly. You were about to say something but Anna immediately cut you off. "I know I know~ Well I guess I had enough fun for today. I'll leave you two lovebirds be for tonight~ bye~" Anna then turned around and left.


Your cheeks became flushed and your mouth was wide open. 'W-why would she say that?'

You slightly shifted your gaze to look at Pit only to see him having the same expression as you have. 'Well... We are quite close...'

You turned towards Pit. "H-hey! Let's go have some fun! Yeah?" You tried not to stutter or make it even more awkward. Pit smiled brightly, he seemed to have forgotten about what Anna said. "Yeah! Let's go ______!" Pit grab your wrist and pulled you towards a ride.


"Thanks for walking me back home! I also had tons of fun as well!" you looked back at Pit behind you as you were about to go up the stairs to your house porch . You gave him your bright smile to tell him that you really enjoyed hanging out with him, his feeling seemed to be mutual.

"No problem! I had fun too!" Pit replied with his cheerful smile. You can't help but smile even more.

If Pit's happy, then you're happy.

"Well, see you later. Goodnight." you bid your bye and turn around to head up the stairs. You immediately stopped your track when you heard Pit call out to you.

"Wait!" you quickly turned your head to face Pit as he was holding onto your sleeves. You were feeling confused and tired yet you didn't mind Pit wanting to tell you something. "Can I tell and show you something?" he asked, having his smile plastered on his face.

His smile was bright and cheery like always but, there was a hint of shyness to it. You had no idea what was going to happen because of how dense you are. "Yeah? What is it?" you asked in curiosity.

Pit pulled you close to him. Too close.

You could feel his hot breath against your face, you felt your face heat up as Pit and you got closer. Then, you felt something moist on your lips, it was Pit's lips. He was kissing you.

You tensed up a bit from the sudden contact but gradually relaxed as you gave in. The moment was perfect but ended when Pit broke the kiss. But the perfection of the moment continued on by just four words.

"I love you ______"


(Important?) A/N: I'm so sorry for this part not being good and haven't updated in... *checks calendar* two months? Wow... I win the award for best author ever. I least I didn't take like 3 years... right?

Anyway! I was just thinking of how I could add 2 extra endings! What do you guys think?

And hopefully, I will update quicker than last time! And sorry for the mistakes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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