Answer - Needs

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"Needs..." you replied.

The girl stood there and broke out of her emotionless expression into bliss. But no smile was on her face.

"Correct, I guess I should explain everything." The girl started.

"As soon as you came in this world, there was a seal that hold the monster you just saw. It's name is Master Core and it has broke out.

As long as you stayed in this world. The seal gets weaker until one day it got completely destroyed. That caused these shadow creatures to roam around and Master Core to appear.

There is no way to defeat Master Core. So when you leave, the seal will recreate and reseal it."

The girl explained. You stood there, shock from all this.

"As soon as you return to your world, the seal will reseal Master Core and revert everything the way it was... but in one condition..." The girl grimaced at the last. It send worry at you.

"What is it?" you asked curiously.

"Every event that involves you will be erased. You won't be remembered, No, it's like you were never even there in the first place. Same thing with you, you won't remember about anything about this event either." The girl explained again.


"I'm sorry _______. I wish I could do something about this but I can't." The girl looked down hopelessly. "I have to send you to a new timeline."

"Hey, if that's the right thing to do, then I'll do it." you comfort the girl and place your hand on her shoulder.

She looked up and looked at you. No emotion was in her eyes.

"Okay, I'll send you back now." she answer as she tapped her finger on your forehead gently.

You felt your body feeling light as a feather. You looked down and saw your body slowly disappearing.

You didn't feel pain or anything. You felt like you were turning into air.

"I'll give a present for you when you return back. Like, a sorry present. Okay?"


The last thing you saw was the girl giving you a smile.

"And sorry for being the author..."


You opened your eyes to see your room's ceiling. You sat up and let out a yawn and extended your arms out to stretch.

You check your phone. It was January, 5pm. You looked at your window and saw the gray winter sky.

You got out of your room and went downstairs.

"Hey! Get off! I'm gonna play smash!" you told your little brother as he scoffed.

He got out of the 3ds/Wii U and walked away and went on his iPad. You went on smash and went online and played smash with your online friends.

You forgot about the whole event now.


"______!!!" You heard a familiar voice behind you. You turned around to see none other than Anna.

"Oh, Good Morning Anna." you said to your best friend.

It's been two months since that event but you have no memories of it. It's not like it actually happened in this timeline.

"Three months until school's over! I can't wait!" Anna said in so much enthusiasm first thing in the morning.

The two of you are walking to school like usual. You were too busy talking to Anna to even notice the person in front of you.

You then came in contact with the person as the two of you fell down. You winced in pain as you fell on your butt.

"Sorry." said the person. The voice sounded like a male. You looked towards the male.

He has the same features of (BOC). Heck! He even sounds like him!

The two of your eyes meet and stared at each other like you knew each other. The only problem was, You did but in another timeline.

"When are two going to stop staring at each other!" Anna ruined the moment as you felt your cheeks heat up.

The male held his hand out to help you up. While he was pulling you up, he stole another glance at you again. So did you.

As soon as you were up, the male immediately walked away. You stood there and stared at the male walking away.

"Do you two know each other?" Anna asked you.

"I don't think so but I think we've met before..." you replied while still watching him.

"Ugh, creep! Stop staring or we'll be late for class!" Anna grab your wrist as she pulled to run.

You could've sworn you saw him somewhere. Like sure, he had characteristics and looked like (BOC), a video game character but...

'I've could've sworn we meet somewhere... I hope I get to meet him again...'


You got the Good Ending



Play again?

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