Chapter 1 - Is this a dream? Because I wish it wasn't

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You felt your consciousness coming back little by little. You were expecting to be on top of your bed but all you felt was a warm breeze. It didn't feel like a bed underneath you, it felt like... grass.

You got up out of your lying position only to see the clear blue sky with the sun radiantly shining down. Your eyes widen at the sight.

You could have sworn that it was winter and snow was everywhere but all you see is the clear blue sky with green grass everywhere. Most importantly you were supposed to be in your room.

You also looked down and saw that you were wearing a completely different outfit then before. (It's whatever you want to wear!)

"Where am I?" you asked to particularly no one as you looked around your surroundings. You stand up and continued to look around trying to figure out where you are.

'Maybe this is a dream!' you thought. You pinched your arm really hard but you ended up letting out an unearthly 'ow'.

'Okay this is not a dream.' as you blow gently on the spot where you pinched yourself in the arm to cool down the pain.

"What am I suppose to do!" You scream into the air. Why would you do such thing?

I don't know because one: you're in a world that you don't even know where it is and how you got here. Two: you're going to die. Three: you're going to die. Four: did I mention this? Because you're going to die.

You felt a presence behind you as you turned around to see two females staring at well... you. They both had crowns on their heads so they must be princesses of some sort.

One had blonde hair with big blue eyes and was wearing pink dress. The other had brown hair---

Why am I describing them! It's Princess Peach and Princess Zelda for crying out loud!

'Is that who I think they are?' you thought in head as you stared back at them too but you're sweating from embarrassment because they might of saw and heard you scream and probably looked stupid while you were doing it and because you think you're hallucinating because you're seeing two famous video characters.

"Um... Are you alright?" asked Peach as she came a little bit closer to you. You somewhat flinched and stuttered. "W-well I-uh um erhhh..." You couldn't form any words because a video game character is talking to you.

They both giggled at your failed attempt of forming a sentence. "Well I'm Peach and this is Zelda" said Peach as she turns towards Zelda to indicate that she's Zelda but that's not really needed because you already know them. "What about you?"

"Uh me! I'm ____!" You replied now able to form a sentence. "Well it's nice to meet you ____" said Zelda.

You were shocked because Zelda is talking like actually speaking. She's not speaking from a text box, she has an actual voice. "Um... Nice to meet you too." you replied as you got out of your thought of Zelda having a voice.

"So where did you come from ___? Wait, are you a Newcomer?" Asked Peach. You looked towards Peach 'Wait... Newcomer? Is this what I think it is..." You thought in your head.

"If you are then, what video game are you from?" Asked Zelda. Wait, they know that they're video game characters?....Weird.

"I'm not from a video game..." you said without thinking. "Then how are you here?" Asked Zelda again but in shocked. "I don't know! I was at my room and I slept and then all of the sudden I'm here!" You said absentmindedly as Peach and Zelda looked at each other trying figure out something.

"Do you have a place to stay?" "Huh?" you looked towards Peach when you heard her ask the question.

"No..." you looked down towards the ground. You just realized that since this isn't a dream and you're here in place where you're trapped for some reason you have no place to stay.

"Maybe you could stay at the smash mansion!" and with Peach's suggestion, it triggered a thought in your mind.

You're in the world of Super Smash Bros!

You looked up towards the princesses and pretended that you don't even what that place even is. "Really?"
"Of course! Now let's go and see if they have an extra room"

Peach turned around and walked towards the direction to where the smash mansion must be. Zelda and you followed along.

'This is like the fanfictions I read about Smash expect it doesn't it doesn't start off like this!' you thought in your head as you were right behind Zelda and Peach. Maybe you'll be able to meet everyone and even him...

Boy were you glad that this isn't a dream...


Author's corner of sadness

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Was this chapter a decent length? I dunno. Was I funny? No. Okay...

Sorry if your favourite character isn't here. I'll probably include him/her in the next chapter but this is the beginning! You can't expect all the characters in just one chapter! Anyway chapter two might come out soon so be patient!

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