The Encounter

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"Why do i do this to myself" I thought as i was making my way in the direction of the nearest gas station.

Taking that nap before doing my assignments seemed like a great idea 7 hours ago. Only problem is that it's now 11 pm and i woke up 30 minutes ago.

"I seriously spend half of what i earn on energy drinks because of my own stupidity" I audibly sigh. My thoughts then get interupted by me walking into something, which to my horror proved to be a person. But not only did i make them fall i also made them drop whatever drink they had on the ground.

"Oh my god i am so sorry" i say with a panicked tone, "I wasn't looking where i was going" i say in an even more stressed tone then before.

She gets up from the ground and gives what looks like a smile from the movement of her eyes but I can't see her mouth since she has a mask on

"No, no its fine, i wasnt looking where i was going either" she says rather cheerfully.

"If you got that drink from the gas station down the road i'll get you another" i say trying my best to smile .

"Ooooooo yes please" She says with a high amount of excitement in her voice.

You can't help but smile at the girls reaction "Well let's go then" you say still with a smile on your face.

You start making your way down the road towards the little gas station, you get to the entrance after 2 minutes of walking

"You know what, i'll treat you to anything you want. The name is Y/N by the way" you say still having a small smile on your lips

"Oh my god how rude of me. The name is Rosé" She says before going into the gas station.

"Rosé, where have i heard that before" You wonder before going into the gas station yourself, you spot Rosé walking around the gas station picking out everything she wants before going to the counter with a drink and a couple bags of candy. You walk over to her while simultaneously getting out your wallet to pay.

"Is that all?" You ask. She gives you a small nod, you pay and put the candy in a bag while she takes her drink and you both start walking out, you walk outside to the nice cold air of nighttime Seoul.

"Thank you so much Y/N, you really didn't have to" She says while practically bouncing out of happiness as she takes a sip of her drink.

"It was really no problem" You say with a smile because of how cute she looks "And its all become worth it with how adorable you look right now" Your smile disapears as you realise what you just said.

She completely freezes in accordence with you and looks like she's just seen a ghost. You mentally facepalm even harder

"Sooo should we get to walking you home?" You say nervously, she nods in response as you both start walking back to where you came from.

"Soooooo whats your reason for being up late?" You ask trying to break the awkward silence

"I couldn't sleep and suddenly got a craving for something sweet and i didnt have anything left in my fridge" She says looking more relaxed "How about you?"

"Funny story, I got home from school with the intention of taking a small nap before doing my assignments" You pause a bit remembering your own stupidty "But that small nap ended at 10:30 pm instead of 5 pm" She laughs at your predicament.

"Oh you poor soul" She says while still laughing.

"My idiocy is no laughing matter" You say while sounding fake offended.

"What kind of assignments do you even have due?" She asks sounding more composed. Then it hits you.

You mentally facepalm again "That's a good question because i forgot to CHECK" you say putting a lot of emphasiss on the 'check'. She laughs again while you're looking up to the sky wondering what you did to deserve this. She then stops at a big appartement building.

"Well this is my stop" She says still laughing a bit " how about you give me your number and ill buy you dinner sometime as a thank you".

"Oh you really dont have to" you say sounding a little shocked.

She pulls out her phone and opens something you assume is her contacts.

You smile a little as you give her your number.

"But promise it will be a cheap place" You say to her with a small hint of akwardnesss in your voice.

"No promises" she says with a smile as you hand her the bag of snacks she wanted

"Well see you around Rosé" You say with a small wave as you turn around

"Ill text you to see when we're both available" You give her a small thumbs up while walking away.

After 10 minutes of walking you get back to your humble apartment, you walk into your room and sit on your bed. You pull out your phone and start scrolling the various social media platforms you have as you ponder about something

You recognize her name from somewhere, but where.

Then it hits you.

"WAS THAT ROSE FROM BLACKPINK" You say a bit louder then you wanted to

"Did i just hang out with Rosé from blackpink???" You think to yourself "OH MY GOD i called Rosé from blackpink adorable to her face" You physically faceplam " I am such an idiot, why did i say that outloud to her" You say with a sigh as you plob your head down on your pillow and internally scream. It then hits you again

"OH MY GOD I GOT HER NUMBER" You yell into the pillow "It cant be her can it, well no use in thinking about that now i still have work to do" You think as you reluctantly grab your laptop

Then something else hits you

"I forgot to buy energy drinks didnt i" You say as you do the biggest sigh you could muster up

"I really am an idiot"


Well that was chapter one, but before you go i have some questions

1. would you like me to add pictures to space out the text a bit more

2. was this good or is there something youd like me to change ?

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