A new years spent with a flower

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You wake up a few days before new years, with no plans, because why would you have plans. "Why do i never plan anything fun for myself" You sigh slowly rubbing your eyes, you slowly get out of bed doing your daily routine of showering and brushing your teeth, after completing your basic hygine you decide to mess around with what now is a home studio thanks to Blackpink.

"What would i do without those girls" You say with a small smile as you get to work putting together some melodies.

After a few hours of working on some music you get done making something you're happy with. You go to check your phone since you havent looked for a while and see a message from Rosé. "I wonder what this is for".

The message reads "Hi Y/n i hope you aren't busy. I'd like to invite you to come with me to YG's new years party on new years eve. Only if you aren't doing anything of course" You smile, knowing god damm well you have nothing to do. "Do i have to dress nice?" You text back since that would mean you'd have to buy something "Of course it has to be nice dummy, it's a new years party" she sends back.

Well now you have to go shopping. You get ready to leave your home for what you know will be a day full of stress, but it's gonna be worth it in the end.

You leave your apartment and start making way to the shopping centre you work at. After 45 minutes of walking you get to the shopping centre and enter through the main door, looking around you see loads of shops with fancy clothes, you sigh knowing youre gonna have to go through them all. First store you enter you try loads of things on but really dont like any of them, same with the second and third, after the third you stop to get something to eat. You end up stopping by the cafe you work at and getting something for free, perks of working there. After your snack break you start your search again, after 40 more minutes you find something you acutally like.

 After your snack break you start your search again, after 40 more minutes you find something you acutally like

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(outfit purchased)

It seemed simple but you liked it, annndddd it was cheaper then all of the others. So after spending more money then you liked to admit you could finally make your way back to your appartement, so walking 45 minutes more.

After getting home you start making music immediatly, since getting the text from Rosie you've felt such a burst of motivation to make something again, so that's what you did. After a couple of hours of work you could see it was getting dark out and thought to yourself that making something to eat was probably a good idea, looking through the kitchen you end up with the delicious meal of ............. instant ramen.

"Wow what a great nutritious meal" You say outloud sounding disapointed. After cooking and eating you get back to work on the song you're making. After a few more hours you finally get done, feeling accomplished you decide at the same time it's time for bed, and for once you go to bed with a smile on your face again, all because of one special flower who always seems to make your day feel like heaven on earth even with just a text.

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