The Problem

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"This is possibly the worst morning ever" you think to yourself as you keep scrolling through thousands of comments from either angry or happy fans.

"Why does everything go wrong for me" You say out loud as you pace around your room anxiously trying to figure out how to fix this "How is Rosé gonna react to this?? Will she still talk to me after this?" You say as you begin to panic more and more

You're stopped in your tracks when you see a text from the one and only, Rosé. 

"Y/N have you seen it????" it reads, you quickly respond with "Yes, what are we gonna do????" You nervously await a response from Rosé "Don't worry, I'm on my way to the company right now to fix it. They'll properly just put out a statement saying we're just friends so no need to panic :)" She sends back earning a sigh of relief from you "Thank god, sorry for any inconvenience i may have caused" You text back feeling horrible about the whole situation. After sending the last text, you walk to your window and take a look out at a rainy and gloomy Seoul.

"Well now that's sloved, what can i do today?" You say sighing a little in the process "It's not like i have any plans with anyone" 

You end up moping around your small apartment for a couple of hours until you phone pings again, it's Rosé. "I was wondering if you had time to maybe come hang at my appartement today? The girls want to meet you. Only if you have time"

Your heart skips a beat "The Blackpink wants to meet me" You say in disbelief. "Why do they want to meet me?" You text back still in shock "Well after seeing the article they wanna know who this 'mystery man ' is since i haven't told them about you" A massive smile creeps across your face as you get ready to respond "Oh makes sense, what time would you want me to come over?" You almost dance a little out of happiness as you send that "How does 4 pm sound to you?" You think for a second "Sounds perfect" The smile still hasn't faded from your lips has you make your way towards your closet to pick out and outfit. 

You spend 30 mintues trying on diffrent things but not being able to pick something "Why is this so hard" You say annoyed. You're suddenly pulled out of your thoughts as your phone pings "Who could that be" You wonder a little confused. You go to pick up your phone and see it's from Rosé. "I almost forgot, go to YG's social media to read the statement" After reading the text you open up your twitter to see that YG has released a statement 40 minutes ago. After reading the full statement you go to the comments to see the reactions from fans, some saying stuff like 'He didn't look good enough for her anyway' and others saying 'Aww i thought they looked cute together'. Surprisingly, the comments being mean to you didn't get to you, but the ones saying you looked good together did.

"Dating Rosé does seem pretty amazing doesn't it" You say with a sad chuckle "I mean she's beautiful, smart, talented and just seems so perfect overall" You quickly try and reject the idea fully "But there's no chance she'll go for someone like me, an awkward and uninteresting person getting average grades in a goddam music school" You think to yourself "I don't even know what i'll do once i graduate" You sigh but quickly shake yourself out of it. 

"That's not important right now" You say making you focus on the task at hand "I still have to pick a outfit. You finally decide on something simple 

 You finally decide on something simple 

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