Bright Lights

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You nervously breath in and out in your dressing room "Okay 10 minutes, cmon Y/n you can do this" You whisper to yourself. You decide to check social media one last time before your show start, you see your name trending on twitter. 

"I cannot disappoint" You say looking around your empty dressing room. You suddenly feel your phone vibrating, you check it and see it was Rosé facetiming you. You pick up and you are greeted by your gorgeous girlfriend but you could tell that she had a somber look in her eyes.

"Something wrong?" You ask before she gets a chance to say anything "No no, it's nothing" She says but you could tell she was lying "Cmon Rosie, tell me" You say with a small smile "It's just, i feel really bad about not being able to be there because of my own stupid album" She says with a little huff at the end "It's not your fault, there's nothing to be sad about. And your album isn't stupid, you and the girls have worked really hard for the past months" You say trying to make her feel better. 

"I know i know, i just wanted to wish you good luck" She says still looking a little sad "Thank you Rosie, i have to go now, love you" You say still trying to improve her mood "Love you too" She says before hanging up.

"Why does this have to be so hard" You think to yourself "Well no time to think about that now, i have to get ready to preform" You say snapping yourself out of it "Y/n it's time" You hear from your doorway, you nod and leave your dressing room and go stand on the platform that's gonna life you up on stage. You look up at the hole in the floor where the stage is being filled with smoke to mask your entrance to the stage. You hear the anticipation of the crowd.

You nervously gulp "You ready?" The man in control of the platform asks, you give him a thumbs up, you feel the platform begin rising up. After 30 seconds you're up on stage, engulfed by smoke. The bright floodlights suddenly pan to you just as rehearsed. But nothing could prepare you for the roar of the crowd the second they spotted your shadow in the smoke. 

And as planned a song immediately plays. You grow more and more in confidence for every second that goes by on stage. Hearing the words you wrote get screamed back at you by thousands of fans was enough to warm your heart to the core. 

After 30 minutes of preforming you get to the part you were most ready for "YOU READY TO SING ALONG?" You yell at the crowd, an overwhelming scream of yes is thrown back at you. Another loud cheer from the crowd is heard as soon as the melody of "Lovely" Is played. 

Before you can sing the first words of the song the crowd takes over, every single fan was singing it word by word. You almost choke up a little but quickly compose yourself and start singing with them. As the song finishes you can't stop a little tear from forming and rolling down your cheek.

As the last notes of your concert come to an end you decide to address your fans before you exit the stage "I just wanted to thank you all for coming, never in my wildest dreams did i would ever but on a stage preforming my songs infront of so many people" You're then met by a large cheer of approvel, you bow before exiting the stage. 

Entering backstage you're met by the cheers of all the workers who helped, you go around thanking countless people for their contribution. After 10 minutes of thanking people you finally get back into your dressing room. You immediately find the couch and almost throw youself in it.

After leaving the arena you get home to your apartment at round 3 am, unlocking the front door you see Rosé sleeping while sitting up on the couch "She must have waited for me" You say with a smile. You walk over to her a lift her up, bringing her to your bed room you tuck her in before making your way to bed yourself.  

Waking up the next morning you immediately smell breakfast, you make your way out to the kitchen to see your princess cooking breakfast "Good morning Roise" You say catching her attention, she drops what she was doing and runs over to you and gives you a kiss "HELLO MY SUPERSTAR" She says while giving you a lot of pecks, you chuckle at her antics "You seem happy today" You say as she returns to cooking "Of course i am, we get to spend so much time together before i leave on tour" She says sounding happy "Well what do you wanna do today?" You  inquisitively ask her.

"I wanna stay home and do NOTHINGGGGG!!!!!" She says almost yelling the last words "Sounds like a plan" You say with a massive smile on your lips. After finishing breakfast you both snuggle on the couch while watching a show she wanted to watch. 

You both spend the entire day on the couch, around dinner time you order pizza since none of you wanted to cook "Wanna go look at the stars at the park?" Rosé asks during dinner, you nod "Let's go around 9 pm" You say, she nods back. 

As it hits 9 pm you both leave your apartment and go to the large park "It looks really empty" You say looking around the park "Perfect" She says while holding your hand. You both walk around hand in hand for about 30 minutes before you decide to sit down on a bench. 

While sitting on the bench just admiring the stars Rosé puts her head on your shoulder "I don't know how i'm going to deal with the tour" Rosé suddenly blurts out, you look down at her and see her looking at you, a small tear rolling down her cheek "What do you mean?" You ask her a little shocked.

"It's just gonna be so hard to be away from you, since i know you can't travel around with us because you also have stuff to do, we're both just so busy and i really don't wanna lose you" Rosé says while now fully crying, you pull her into a hug "We're gonna figure it out, I promise" You say trying to make her feel better "I just want to be with you all the time, I don't want to be an idol anymore, I don't want to have my entire life analysed anymore" She says inbetween, you just keep hugging her not knowing what to say "I just don't want to lose the love of my life because of this stupid idol life" 

"Let's just spend the rest of the time before the tour together" You say to her while still hugging her, she leans in deeper in your chest. You sit staring at the stars going through all the words in your head. Heartbroken knowing you're the reason for her heartache 

"If i just didn't bump into her that day she wouldn't be sitting her crying for no reason, i just made her job ever harder" You think to yourself "How can i fix this?" 

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