Expressing joy

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You awake to another day in paradise for all you were concerned. A grin had been permantly plastered on your face for weeks, i mean who can blame you. You went from a nobody to a nobody with a famous girlfriend, what's not to love? 

You're looking out your bedroom window trying to find out what to do with your day, it's saturday and you didn't have work today. "Hmmm what to do?" You ponder to yourself, a brilliant idea then hits you "I could make some music" You say happy with having found an activity to do until Rosé comes over. 

Slithering out of bed you start your morning routine. After your routine you plop down on your couch with your laptop and the intention to write a song. Your mind wanders over to the only logical thing to write a song about, Rosé. You open a word document, you end up staring at it for a while, not really knowing how to start it.

"How the hell am i gonna start this?" You ask yourself. After a little more thinking an idea strikes you and you start writing away, after an hour or so you're finished with the lyrics, looking over the lyrics one final time, you decide that you're pleased with the end product. Putting down your laptop, you go over to piano and sit down. You start playing away in attempt to nail down the melody you want to go with. After 30 mintues or so you nail down the sound you want and start the process of putting it all together. 

You spend the next couple hours putting everything together. You listen to everything one final time before saving it as finished on your laptop. You close your laptop and check the time on your phone "Two hours until Rosie gets here" You say outloud with a grin. You get out of your soda deciding to spontaneously clean your small appartment a little. After some time you hear a knock at the door, you excitedly go over and let her in.

(Her outfit) 

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(Her outfit) 

After closing the door you stand there staring at her for a little "Okay i'm over it now" You say with a blank expression "What's thats supposed to mean?!?!?!" Rosé says sounding offended "Nothing, now take your shoes off" You say, she angrily puffs but complies with your request. 

After that you both take a seat on the couch "So how is my lovely girlfriend doing today?" You ask looking at her "I'm doing fine i guess" She says staring off in the distance a little "Well that didn't sound convincing at all" You say with a puzzled look "Anything wrong?". 

She looks down a little "Nothing major, just the whole idol stuff can get stressful, i don't wanna burden you with it" She says with a hint of worry in her voice "BURDEN ME WITH IT?!?!?!?" You blurt out making  Rosé  jump a little "How would you burden me with your problems, isn't the whole point of dating having someone to talk to?????" You say sounding extremely confused. 

"Yeah well i don't wanna immediately throw all my problems on you" She says trying to argue her point "I swear, I dumped all my family trubles on you like the third or fourth time we hung out " You say making both of you laugh a little "Fair enough" She says in between chuckles. 

"I don't want to cook today, let's just order pizza like grown adults" You say opening your phone to order "Just order one big peperoni pizza for us both" Rosé says "Ordering one pizza for two people? are we poor or something?" You say earning another laugh "No, but i'm not that hungry since i had a big lunch" You shrug and proceed to order the pizza.

After 45 minutes your food arrives, you both sit down at your small dinner table to eat "I made you a song today" You say in between bites, Rosé gets a look of surprise "YOU DID!! CAN I HEAR IT" She says excitedly  "Of course, after dinner" You say with a warm smile. 

"I have never seen such a small individul devour half a pizza this fast in my life" You say with disbelief in your voice "SONG. NOW" Rosé says almost jumping up and down, you smile and go get your laptop and sit it besides her, you put your headphones on her and start the song. 

A small tear rolls down Rosés cheek as the song comes to an end "You like it?" You ask, already knowing the answer "I love it" She says and gives you a peck on the lips "You need to start releasing music, we could become a super famous power couple" Rosé states proudly, you chuckle a little "No way it's that good" You say sounding unsure of yourself. 

"BUT IT IS!!" Rosé blurts out in response "It's just something i put together today, it's not amazing" You say trying to win her over to your side of the argument "YOU'RE WRONNGGGGGGG" She says, you sigh "I'll think about it" You say trying to appease the wild flower in your living room "Wanna cuddle and watch a movie?" You ask changing the subject, Rosé nods in response "I'll go get ready then" You say getting out of your chair "Okay I'm joining you soon" 

Unbeknownst to you, while you were getting ready to lay in bed and watch a movie a certain flower had downloaded the song you made for her and sent it to her producer, forever changing your life for what seems like the 100th time. 

After sending the message to her producer, Rosé gets out of her chair and enters your bedroom with a massive grin "Whats got you smiling like that?" You ask her as she gets in your bed and cuddles up right next to you "Oh it's nothing" She says and she buries her head in your chest. 

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