Award outing with the blooming flower

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Were you nervous? No that would be an understatment, because this was your first big public apperance with Rosé. An awards ceremony, a very prestigious one at that. 

"Don't be so nervous" You hear from the other room "Well that's easy for you to say" You say sighing while looking in the mirror "Well what's the worst thing that could happen" Rosé says standing in the door of the bathroom.

"Don't be so nervous" You hear from the other room "Well that's easy for you to say" You say sighing while looking in the mirror "Well what's the worst thing that could happen" Rosé says standing in the door of the bathroom

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(Her outfit)

"Public ridicule is a start" You say stonefaced, she lightly chuckles before putting her arms around you from behind "Aweee you think that hasn't already happened, that's so cute" 

"If the law didn't stop me i would punch you right now" You let out staring at her reflection in the mirror. You both lightly chuckle at your antics before you finally decide that you're ready to leave. You take the elevator down to the limo already waiting for you. You both enter the limo to see the rest of Blackpink staring back. 

"Took you long enough" Lisa says "Yeah sorry he's scared of public ridicule so was hard getting him out the door" Everyone in the limo lightly laughs at you "You're only bullying me because you're all small" You say making all of them stare at you in anger "Agreed" you hear the driver say. All of Blackpink simultaneously say "HEY!" You and the driver just laugh as you head towards the awards show. 

 After getting through the horrible Seoul trafic you arrive at the venue. You gulp before exiting the vehicle to a million cameras flashing, you almost hid behind Rosé like normally but for once you decide to just accept you're gonna have to learn to deal with it sooner or later, you follow Blackpink's lead and meet up with the manager inside the venue. He explains some details about what's gonna happen but you stopped listening after he said that you'd just be chilling at the table. 

The manager leads you to where you'll be seated and leaves you there. You look around you and see that you're surrounded by kpop idols. "Ah great" You nervously think to yourself as you gulp. You sit in relative peace for 15 minutes before you hear footsteps approaching. You look up and see Bangchan from Stray kidz. 

"Hello, don't think we've met

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"Hello, don't think we've met. You're Rosés boyfriend right?" He asks "Yes that would be me, You're Bangchan right?" He nods in response "So how you liking fame?" He asks "Ehh it's truly something, never thgought i would be someone with any kind of public interest but here we are" You say with a light chuckle "Yeah i saw that piano picture you posted a while ago, i'm guessing you're pretty decent?" He asks.

"i'm okay" You say not wanting to seem like you have an ego "Then follow me" He says. You oblige not wanting to say no to a kpop idol, you follow him into a room where the rest of Stray kidz are seemingly fawning over a gorgeous piano from Steinway.

"I've found a worthy pianist" Bangchan says while pointing at you, wanting to seem cool you only response with "Sup" but as you obviously used up all your luck getting Rosé, you have a massive voice crack as you say it

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"I've found a worthy pianist" Bangchan says while pointing at you, wanting to seem cool you only response with "Sup" but as you obviously used up all your luck getting Rosé, you have a massive voice crack as you say it. The entirety of Stray kidz burst into laughter and you can't help laughing along.

"I really am the most unlucky person on earth" You say in between breaths "What do you mean that was a beautiful high note" Felix says making everyone laugh even more. After a minute or two the laughter dies down. 

"Okay piano boy get to playing" Bangchan says, you nod and sit down. You decide to show off a little. 

 (wonderful piece btw) 

Everyone is a bit shocked at your perfect rendition of the piece with no warmup. "Oh so you're actually good" Bangchan says a little dumbfounded "I guess so" you say sounding a little cool for once.

"Well it's time to get back so we don't miss anything" Felix says. Everyone funnels out the room towards their seats. "Oh so i don't forget, you seem cool, can i get your number?" Bangchan asks "Of course" You exchange numbers and you go back to your table, Blackpink all seated as they only have to perform a little later in the evening. 

"Where have you been?" Rosé asks "Was hanging out with Stray kidz" You say very proud of youself. "AWWWWW YOU'RE MAKING FRIENDS" Rosé says sounding very excited, You smile as you sit down "I didn't know you had social skills i'm not gonna lie" Jennie says jokingly "Rude" is all you respond with. 

The award show slowly begins and you weren't gonna lie, it was so boring. only fun bits where when Blackpink won a couple awards as always, As you were almost dosing off to sleep the sound of chairs getting pulled back wakes you. "It's time for us to leave you" Rosé says. 

"Have funnnnnn" You say trying to wake up a little. Rosé smiles as they leave. You sit there anxiously awaiting Blackpink preformance occasionally sipping the complimentary alchol you found. The light dampen and you could tell it was finally time, you can tell it's them because a camera got a little closer, trying to capture Rosés boyfriend in action. 

They start preforming and it's amazing as always. You sit there in wonder at how you were currently dating one of the 4 girls. They finish and you start clapping like only a proud boyfriend can. They come back and Rosé gives you a little kiss on the cheek before sitting down. 

After what seemed like years the award show finishes. You let out a sigh of relief. "Oh come on it couldn't have been that bad" Rosé says with a smile as she gets up "Only thing that kept me going was the free alcohol" You say, Rosé chuckles while shaking her head. While leaving you see Bangchan and wave goodbye right before Stray kidz all leave the buliding, Bangchan smiles and waves back before leaving. 

"Oh so you weren't lying" Jisoo says sounding smug, you look at her offeneded "Wowwww rude" You say while pouting, everyone lightly chuckles. 

Right before you exit Rosé grabs your hand, you open the door to a 100s of blinding flashes from cameras but for once you don't care nor react, because why would you?  when you have your fingers intertwined with Rosé nothing else matters. You smile as you walk into the blinding lights. 

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