The Dinner

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You wake up to the sound of your alarm, you instinctively check your phone to check the time and expect it to say 7 am, only problem is it says 9 am.


You spring out of bed and grab the nearest pieces of clothing and run into your bathroom to take a shower. After having a quick shower you quickly dry yourself. You run out to the kitchen and grab the nearest fruit as breakfast, while eating the fruit you quickly pack everything you need for todays day. after eating and packing your bags you go into your bathroom again to brush your teeth, halfway through brushing your teeth you pull out your phone and you see the date. 

"i am an idiot" You say "It's saturday for gods sake". 

You finish brushing your teeth before going into your living room.

"Another saturday with no plans" You plob down on your couch "I really need to get myself some friends" You say with a sad chuckle. Your self loathing gets interupted when you hear your phone ping indicating that you've gotten a text. 

"I wonder who that could be".

You open the text and see it's from an unknown number.

"This is Y/N right?".

"Yea this is him. Who is this?".

"It's Rosé, i was wondering if you were free to have that dinner i promised".

Your heart skips a beat when you read that. You honestly thought she had forgotten about you. It's been two weeks since your late night trip to the gas station and you hadn't heard anything from her until now. 

"Yea i'm free today" You text back.

"Perfect, meet me at my appartement building at 6 pm, wear something causal" She texts back rather quickly.

"I'll see you there then" You send back with a beeming smile on your face. 

"Yea see you then. Sorry in a bit of a rush so i have to go now".

You hug the nearest pillow out of excitement "I'M GOING OUT TO EAT WITH A KPOP STAR" you yell to yourself. You spend the next few hours deciding on an outfit. 

"This is impossible" you audibly sigh "How am i gonna pick an outfit to wear while going out to eat with a superstar".

You look at the time an realise it's already 5:30 and you havent even picked an outfit yet. You quickly pick a basic pink hoodie from your closet 

 You quickly pick a basic pink hoodie from your closet 

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(Hoodie and outfit) 

You start making your way towards the apartment building with a little more enthusiasm in your walk, then normal. you get to it after a 15 minute walk.

"These apartments are way out of my price range" You think to yourself while chuckling a little to yourself. You text Rosé to tell her you're here, after a short while you spot her and wave her over. 

Unexpected encounter (blackpink x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now