Media storm

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It's been 30 minutes since the whole kiss thing and to say the least you were in heaven. I mean having Rosé laying on your chest with your hoodie on, how could life get better?. 

"So why did you come find me?" You ask breaking the blissful silence "Do you want the actual answer or the romantic answer?" She asks with a smile 

"Give me the romantic first and then give me the actual answer" You answer "Well the romatic answer is that my heart told me to return to you, but the actual answer is that i explained everything to the girls in one of the recording rooms and then they proceeded to yell at me for being so stupid, and to quote Lisa "Go get your man right now" She explains. You burst out laughing at the image of Blackpink yelling at poor Rosé in a recording booth. 

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT, IT WAS A SCARY EXPERIENCE" She yells defending herself "Well maybe you shouldn't have ruined our romantic moment on the balcony" You say sounding fake offended after having regained your composure, both of you laugh a little.

"Okay it's time for bed, im sleepy" Rosé says looking at her phone "Are you sleeping here or going home?" You ask her "Have you seen the time? no way im going home this late" She says while showing her phone screen, "Fair enough, there's an extra tooth brush on the bathroom you can use". 

She nods and gets up from the couch to go brush her teeth. You just sit on the couch while she does that, finally having time to take in everything that's happened "How the hell has an average music student pulled a kpop idol" You whisper to yourself. After a few minutes it's your turn in the bathroom to brush your teeth. After brushing your teeth you enter your bedroom to an almost asleep Rosé, You lay down beside and you both enter dream land while obviously cuddling. 


You wake up around 10 am to both yours and Rosés phones going off a lot, you look to see what it is "Oh isn't that just brilliant" You say outloud sounding defeated "Hey Rosé?". 

"Yeah?" she says sounding groggy "Do you want the good news or the bad news?" You say looking at her "Ehhhh the good news i guess?" 

"There is no good news, and bad news is look at this article" You say showing her your phone, the article reads 

"Rosé spotted leaning on the shoulder off a man" The article the proceeds to talk about how i'm the same guy she was spotting going out to dinner with a couple of months ago.

"Oh god not again" She says sounding just as defeated "Well what are we gonna do this time around?" You ask not really having an idea "I really don't wanna have to tip toe around while dating you so i'll just confirm that we're dating" She says nonchalantly "Isn't that like bad for your career?" You ask confused. 

"Well maybe but hiding you is too much effort" She says while getting out of bed "So you're gonna risk your career because hiding me is hard?" You ask completely bewildered. 

"Yep" She says while shrugging her shoulders "Wanna come with me to the YG building while we get the statement ready?" You shrug your shoulders at he question "Sure".

You both get ready to leave your appartment to go put out the statement, after about 50 minutes you both leave, getting out the building you see a YG car already waiting. You get in and go to the building, outside of the building you see a swarm of paparazzi, you get very nervous all of a sudden. You then feel a hand on your shoulder from Rosé, you turn to look at her and she just smiles and grabs your hand "Just stay behind me" She says with a smile instantly calming you down.

The car stops outside the building meaning it was time to get out. A YG employee opens the door for the two of you. You both step out of the car to what felt like 200 flashes from different camaras. Rosé doesn't seem that effected but you definitely weren't used to it, she grabs your hand and leads you inside. you get inside and the stress continues as what feels like a million YG people run up to Rosé talking about different stuff. 

The YG people suddenly leads you and Rosé into a room of what seems like important people from YG, you both get lead to two seat besides each other. 

The room is compeletly sitlent until an important looking man in a suit breaks the silence "So what's going on with you two?" he asks, Rosé looks to be thinking for a moment before she confidently says "Dating" The room gets even more silent then it already was "And is that something you want to go public with?" the important man asks again. 

Rosé looks to be thinking again, after a few moments she turns her head to you, smiles before confidently saying "Yes".

"You know what that could mean for your career right?" He asks sounding a little worried. Rosé just nods. The man sighs before going "As you wish. We'll get to preparing the statement. meeting is adjourned". 

After 5 minutes everyone has left the meeting room other then you and Rosé "Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean what if it ruins your career?" You blurt out almost panicking "I mean i'm just some guy, im not worth ruining your career over". 

"For me you are" She says interrupting you in the middle of your tangent. You stare at her with a look of complete confusion "Why?" is all you manage to say "Because you're special to me, now shut up and get ready for the social media statement" She says making you go quiet. 

She moves her chair closer to yours while showing you her phone, on it was a statement on twitter from YG, and to be honest it had blown up already with likes retweets and comments.

"Now you're a celebrity" She says while reading what looks like the comments "I don't think i'm cut out for the celebrity life" You say "That sounds like a you problem, now let's pose for an instagram photo so you can get some more followers, i can't be dating someone with less than 100k" Rosé says in response with a smile "Rude but okay" You say a little more calm, she somehow always knows what to say. 

You take the picture together and she posts it on her insta and tags you. Your instagram expectedly blows up immediately, you kept getting so many notifications you had to turn them off completely. 

"Well guess im famous now" You say staring into nothingness "Yeah but we're famous together" Rosé says while grabing your hand "I guess so" You say with a smile. 

You look out of the meeting rooms window, now ready to embark on the great adventure of dating a kpop idol, you didn't know how it was gonna go but all you knew is it was gonna be fine as long as you had your beautiful princess by your side. 

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