Taken by Storm

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You hear the ending of you song for what seems like the 100th time as Rosé hits replay again "I know it's a nice song but this seems excessive" You say in an attempt to make her stop "Well maybe next time you should tell me when you're becoming a superstar" She says in a huff "I already said sorry" You say smiling at her antics.

"Well want to go to bed, i think tomorrow is gonna be a little crazy for me" You say while scrathing the back of your neck "Oh reallyyyyyy" Rosé says with fake surprise in her voice. You roll your eyes as you both start heading to bed, you lie awake for what seems like hours, extremely nervous for the public response you're gonna wake up too.

Waking up on a beautiful march morning, you check your phone first thing, as expected a lot was going on. To your relief mostly positive things was being said. But what made you smile the most was the reaction of your now fellow musicians. "OMG Y/N THOSE SONGS ARE GORGEOUS" Read the message from Jennie. You were stupidly smiling at your phone when you feel a pair of eyes on you.

"Someone looks happy" Rosé says with a smile "Everyone loves it" You proudly state "Why wouldn't they, the songs are amazing" Rosé responds with "Well what do i do now?" You ask not knowing what steps are next "You keep working on your music, now as a job. And you wait for your manger to message you about live shows and all that funny business" She says with a smile "And you also need a new appartment since you're now famous and not poor" She while laughing a little, you lightly punch her shoulder in retaliation at her calling you broke.

"Well i'm going to the YG building, you coming with?" Rosé asks "I'm right behind you" You say jumping out of bed. Making your way into the what's now gonna be your regular work place you're greeted by the rest of Blackpink "YOU'RE FAMOUSSSSSS" Lisa yells running over to give you and Rosé a group hug, the rest soon join "The songs were beautiful" Jisoo says with a smile "Thank you so much" You say to all of them with a massive grin, after a couple of minutes of small talk you all part ways.

You see someone waving you over "Hello Y/n, I will be your manager. My name is M/n" He says while sticking out his hand, you shake it "I hope we will have many joyful moments" you both part ways as you make your way towards the studios. You get to one, enter it and begin your next musical journey.


It has been a couple of months of hard work, of trying to pump out your first ever album. You were sitting in your now private studio, looking down at your laptop screen, feeling an insane amount of pressure on your shoulders, you have been teasing this album to your fans for a while and you don't wanna disappoint anyone. You put down your laptop, you take a look at all the songs, you were finally done, you immeidatly call your manager to tell him you finished it before the deadline. After ending the call you plop down in the chair and breath a sigh of relief.

You take a look at the clock "4 am huh" You say outloud to yourself. You start packing up and make your way home to your shared apartment with Rosé. You enter the apartment and immediately your heart sinks "She cooked dinner" You say with an expression with more sorrow then you thought possible. You go over and look at the table, you pick up the blown out candle and sigh. "I ruined what should have been a romantic dinner"

"I have been a useless boyfriend" You say, thinking back on the last 3 months "I need to do something" You say determined to mend your mistake. You enter your bedroom and look at the gorgeous princess that you have been neglecting.

Waking up the next moring to an empty bed you immediatly set out to fix everything. You leave your apartment and go to the nearest flower shop, picking up the most expensive and extravagant bouquet of roses money can buy. You re enter your car and drive straight to the YG building, hoping to surprise your princess while she's working hard on the upcoming Blackpink album.

You enter the recording studio and see Teddy as the first thing, he spots you and signals you to come over "I think you're gonna like the song they're about to record" he says with a smile while pointing to the girls.

Your cheeks turn a little pink and a giant smile creeps onto your face as they are singing. After they are finished, You run to hide a little so you can surpise Rosé.

As she's walking over to Teddy you jump out with the flowers startling her "Sorry for being a horrible boyfriennddddddd" You say with an awkward smile, Rosé looks at you for a couple of seconds before a smile creeps onto her face and she gives you a kiss.

"You're forgiven" She says while taking the flowers out of your hands "In other news i finished the album" You say changing the subject "OOOOO it's coming out tommrow right" Rosé says, you nod "You really left it late" Lisa says "Some might say that" You say with a small chuckle.

"You can leave for the day Rosé" Teddy says "Really????" Rosé says extermely excitedly, Teddy nods. Rosé grabs your hand and almost sprints out the door making everyone in the room laugh "You're spending the day with me" Rosé says determined, you can't help but smile at her "Have i ever told you how inlove i am with you?" You ask her as she's still speed walking with your hand in hers "Maybe once or twice" She says looking back at you.

"So what's the plan for today" You ask curious of what she has in mind "We're going back to where it all started for dinner, that's all i know" She says "We could go downtown and walk around until you figure everything else out?"

"I like that idea, you have face covering right?" She asks, you nod. You both make your way downtown and start walking around the streets of Seoul, just enjoying finally being together again. After an hour or so of walking, you spot a group of young people busking, you start dragging Rosé towards the group. As you get closer you start making out the song they were playing, it was your song "lovely"

"I seem to recognise that" You say while smiling under your mask "Oh really?" Rosé says while grining with her eyes "I have an idea" You say as you let go of Rosés hand and walk over to the young people since they just finished.

"Ehhh do you know "I guess i'm in love" By the same artist?" You ask them "Of course we do why?" One of them answers back, you walk closer and slightly pull down your mask only showing your face to them "I was thinking of singing a little" You say with a chuckle, all of them look excited at the idea "Well, let's get this show on the road" You say as you take off your mask and step over to the mic.

You start singing and quickly generate a crowd, but you didn't notice any of the other people. You could only see one person and no one else on the plant could remove your gaze from those beautiful dark brown eyes that were staring back.

Unexpected encounter (blackpink x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now