Rose Petals

433 9 2

"One week" You say while staring at the calender, you look back on Rosé who was sleeping in bed, you feel a wave of sadness hit, since you could tell she had become sadder and sadder the closer she got to the leave date. 

Looking at the clock you see it reads 2 am "I'm going for a drive" You whisper to yourself, leaving your bedroom you grab your car keys and head out the apartment. After setting off from the parking lot you decide on where to drive, to the place where you first Rosé. 

Walking the path of your first encounter on the fateful night "I didn't even get the energy drinks" You say as a sorrowful expression creeps onto your face. sitting down on a bench you take a look up at the stars "I don't wanna be the reason she gives up on her dreams" You say, not sure what to do "On one hand i just want to run away with her and live a peaceful life together, but I know she would regret giving up on her dreams if we did" You sigh deeply as a tear rolls down your cheek, you get out your phone and start drafting up an email to your manager to send in the morning.

Getting home feeling exhausted you immediately go to bed. Waking up the next morning you're greeted by a Rosé who doesn't have a spark in her eye. Taking a couple moments to just look at her you decide to send the email to your manager "Morning Rosie" You say trying to hide your conflicted emotions "Good morning Y/n" She says sounding defeated, but you didn't dare ask anymore. You had already chosen "I'll be in my studio if you need me" You say while walking up giving her a little peck on the cheek.  

Entering the studio you decide to just get all your emotions out the only way you know how, making music. Sitting down you start making a song faster then you've done before, tears always on the brink of escaping but you somehow keep your composure. After finishing it in 2 hours you download it down on a USB stick and hid it. Leaving the studio you see Rosé sitting on the couch with an emotionless expression, you decide to call Jennie. 

"Hi Jennie, i was wondering if you could have a girls night? Rosé has been pretty down about leaving on tour" You say while still looking at Rosé "Of course! I'll call the other girls now, just drop her off at my apartment as soon as possible" She says sounding excited "Thank you Jennie" You say before hanging up. 

"Rosie i'm dropping you off at Jennies place, so you can have a fun day with the girls" You say trying to bring some life into her, she just nods and start getting ready. After 20 mintues you leave the apartment, the car ride is silent as Rosé is just staring out the window. After dropping her off at Jennies you drive back home. You start making the arrangements with your manager, after 2 hours or so everything was put in place. 

You sit at the dinner table just staring out the window, thinking through all the time with Rosé. You decide to write her a letter. 

"To Rosé  

i'm leaving you this letter since you deserve an explanation. The time i've spent with you has been the happiest time in my life, and i wouldn't change anything about it. But I have come to accept you can't follow your dreams and be with me at the same time. I'll be honest, i wish we could just run away together and live a peaceful life away from all the fame, but i know in the long run you would regret not following your dreams. I don't want to be the reason that you don't fulfill what i know you are capable of. So to my beautiful Rose, i'm deciding to let you bloom on your own. I love you 


Laying the letter down together with the USB trying your best to not burst into tears.

(Song on USB) 

You start packing a single suitcase of your most valuble possessions. Most importantly you pack the Violin Rosé gifted to you. After 30 minutes you check the time, and see it was time to leave for the airport, arriving at the airport feeling nothing, you start going through the plan proceedings. 

While sitting in the plan just waiting for the final confermation before take off you suddenly feel your phone vibrate, looking at your screen tears immediately form in your eyes. 

"Y/n please don't leave me. You promised we would figure it out together" You heart breaks into a million pieces as the texts keep rolling in, you almost start typing a response but decide against it "I know this is for the better" You whisper to yourself trying to stay strong, another text pops on your screen "Y/n please, i can't do this without you" You decide to turn off your phone fully. 

You hear over the intercom that it was time to take off. As your plane starts to take off you take one last look at the lights of Seoul. One last look at the life you were leaving behind. 


Sitting in your studio in LA you were staring at a spotify page. The page of Rosé, you listen through her first song "On the ground" And a small smile forms on your lips "She's blooming" You say as the song finishes, the next song begins. 

You immediatly recognise the guitar chords "Those are the chords i gifted her" You say as tears start rolling. Listening through the songs you smile through the tears "Her voice is so beautiful" Is all you can choke out. You listen through the song again and again, not being able to stop yourself from hitting replay. After 45 minutes, you exit your studio and go look in the mirror, seeing what a mess you are 

"Shine for both of us" You say while staring into your own eyes in the mirror. 

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