City of heartbreak

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You hear a knock on your studio door breaking you from your trance of staring into nothingness "Y/n the company wants you back in Seoul for a job" Your manager states making you shake your head a little "What job?" You ask while raising an eyebrow  "They didn't say, they did say they wanted you back asap, so pack your things, we're leaving tonight" Your manager says while closing your door, you shrug a little and get to packing. 

Arriving at the airport you feel a cold shiver knowing you were going back to Seoul. While going through security and all the other procederes the pit in your stomach kept growing. During the long journey across the Pacific Ocean, the pit of anxiety stayed unrelenting. Landing in Seoul airport you were immediatly met by the familier camara flashes of the paparazzi blind you. Making your way through the masses you find the limousine that was gonna take you to your company appartement. Arriving at the apartment, you enter and colapse on the couch "I just want this to be over" You say outloud to no one in particular. Feeling your phone ring, you check and see it's your manager. 

"Hello M/n" You say with no enthusiasm apparent in your voice "Hello Y/n, i was just calling to let you know to meet us at studio 3 tomorrow at 10 am. Make sure to get some rest tonight" He says with a cheerful tone "Got it" You say before hanging up. 

Arrving at the YG building, you feel nothing other then anxiety. With every step your heart pounds faster and faster, right before you get to the door you see Teddy infront of it waiting for you. Before you can even say hello, he grabs you by your shoulders "Don't fuck this up" He says before entering the studio, you take a second to shake of the confusion before entering the room. 

You immediatly make eye contact with the one person you didn't wanna see, you both just stare at each other without breaking eye contact. "So this is gonna be your producer for the album" Teddy says breaking the silence, no one dares say a word. Teddy audible sighs before dragging you out the room. 

"Can you not be so awkward ?" Teddy asks "You both still love each other, fix it and make this fucking album" Is all he says before pushing you back into the room. You mentally prepare yourself before saying something "So what vibes are the album gonna have?" 

After 5 painfully long hours of making an album you all decide to call it a day. Exiting the YG buliding feeling drained. You decide to just go home. You get home to your apartment and sit down on your couch and just stare into nothingness "She looked so sad" Is all you can muster to say while staring "I already broke her heart once, all i have to do is finish this album and go back to LA" You say trying your best to not fall apart. You finally decide to check your phone, and read some of the many articles that has been written about your return. Reading the comments to see nothing but negativity from the fans of Rosé . You sigh before closing your phone and begin to try and prepare yourself for the next month. 


It's been a week of hard work and tension in your studio, no one has dared say a word about anything then the task at hand and you haven't been alone with Rosé once, which was a plus. You were walking back to your studio late in the evening to try and get some more work down, you open the door and your worst nightmare became a reality, Rosé was in there practicing some of the vocals for the song you were working on. You could cut the tension with a knife as you sit down in your chair without saying a word. After 5 minutes or so you hear Rosé speak "Why?" is all she asks, you look at her and see the tears forming in her eyes. 

"Why would you just leave?" She says through her tears "I wanted to help" Is all you can muster to say trying not to cry "How was that gonna help? You broke my heart, I have cried myself to sleep for so long, it was finally getting better and then you come back? Do you just hate me?" She yells before storming out the room, all you can do is sit and stare. 

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