An Explosive Start

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You wake up to the sound of your alarm going off on a beautiful sunday morning, you look to your left at the still sleeping Rosé. You smile to yourself like you always do when you look at her. You lightly shake her to wake her up "Morning Rosie" You say, Rosé streches and rubs her eyes. 

"Morning Y/N" She says and gives you a smile "I want to make breakfast" She says while getting out of bed, You don't object and stay in bed a little longer. You hear the sound of your phone going off. You take a look at your phone and see it's a message from an unkown number. You worry for a second that it's one of Rosés insane fans, you read the message.

"Hello Y/N, It's Teddy, the producer of Blackpink, I got your number from Rosé. I am messaging you to ask you to come talk to me about a song Rosé sent me yesterday afternoon. If you could please meet me at the YG building at 2 pm later today" 

You sit and stare at your phone screen. Wondering if it's some kind of joke. "I said breafast was ready, are you deaf?" Rosé says as she walks in the room "Ehhhh what's up?" Rosé asks looking at you staring into nothing "Is this your doing?" You ask her while showing her your phone screen "Maybe?" She says timidly "I'm not mad" You say making her breath a sigh of relief. 

"Well i kinda sent him the song you made yesterday and he clearly liked it" She says with a smile, you smile back "I guess so" 

You respond to Teddy saying you he'd be seeing you at 2 pm, after that you go eat breakfast with Rosé. After what seems like years it was time you to leave your apartment , Rosé went with you cause you're scared of the large YG building and she had stuff to do with the group. 

You arrive outside the YG building and nervously gulp. Rosé looks at you "Don't be nervous, you're gonna be fine" You nod and enter the building, waiting for you in the lobby is Teddy. He smiles and waves you over "Hello Y/N" He says and shakes your hand "You just have to follow me and then we will get started on what i wanted you here for" He says, you nod and follow him into one of the studios. He points to a chair and you sit down. 

"So what i wanted you here for is to talk about your song, and for you to show me your abilty" You nod "So start with, how long did it take you to write and produce the song about Rosé?" 

"I did all of it in a day" You respond truthfully, he nods while rubbing his chin, he was almost staring directly into your soul "Okay now i wanna see your process of making a full song, there's cameras in here recording you, take all the time you need" He says as he gets up from his chair and exits the room. 

"Okay Y/N calm down, you only have to make a song" You think to yourself trying to calm yourself down. You mange to compose yourself after a couple of minutes and start your process of making a song. 

"Hmmm how do i want to write this, I could just start writing and see where it takes me?" After a couple more minutes of pondering you decide on that, you start writing on the notepad left for you on the table. After an hour you've already written the full track. You proudly look at the paper as you get ready to begin on the music. 

You sit for about 20 mintues just trying to compose the song in your head. You finally decide on what instruments you want to use and get to work. After 5 hours of hard and consentrated work, you have a product, now all you need is to record it.

You make your way into the recording booth and get to singing your heart out trying to encapture the extact sound you were looking for. After a couple takes you proudly listen through your product. Now all you need was a couple more tweaks and you were done.  

You text Teddy to tell him you were done, he texts back telling you he was on his way to you. After a couple of minutes he enters the room and sits down in the chair next to you "Play the song when you're ready" he says with a smile on his face for once. You nod and press play. 

After finishing the listen through Teddy sits with a little shock showing on his face "You made that in what? 6 hours?" You nod in respones to his question "Can you stay here a little longer and can you put the song on this usb" 

"Sure thing, why if i may ask?" You ask while downloading the song onto the usb as requested "I might have a job oppertunity or two for you" He says nonchalantly, you play it cool and smile a little, after he exits the room and close the door, you can't hold your excitement in any longer. 

You start bouncing up and down with a massive smile on your face, you start thinking of the opportunities this could give you "I might finally escape working at a cafe" You think to yourself grining ear to ear. 

After what feels like forever you hear the door opening again. It's Teddy and he has a piece of paper with him "This was a hard choice for me to make, we talked about two options regarding you. We knew we wanted to hire you" He say as he sits down "It was between becoming my assitiant producer or signing you on to the Black Label as an artist" You sit infront of him, almost exploding excitement "We decided on option two, if you decide to sign this contract we will be supplying you with a manager and everything that follows with being an artist" 

You look at him, extremely wide eyed as he puts the contract down for you to read. After reading it through a dozen times, you sign it "Welcome to the Black Label" He says with a smile "We would like to immediatly release the song you made today if it's okay with you" 

"Of course, do i need to do anything?" You ask him, still smiling ear to ear "Yes, pick your artist name and announce the song on your public social media when it gets released later today" He reponds with, You quickly respond with "A/N (Artist name)" since you had one in mind since you were a little kid and it was already your social media handle. 

"Well, you can go home now then, just be ready for a text telling you what to put out" He says with a smile "Can i hug you?" You ask him, he nods and you give him the biggest bear hug of all time. You skip out the studio and into the lobby, Rosé was already there waiting for you. 

"What's gotten you so excited?" She asks "You'll see" Is all you say as you intertwine your arm with hers. You both leave the building and make your way home to your apartment. After getting home Rosé makes dinner. 

"Why won't you tell meeeeeeee" She says with a whiny tone "You'll see soon" You say after giving her a peck on the lips, she pouts in response. You sit down on your couch, waiting by your phone like a child waiting for santa on christmas. After 30 more minutes your phone beeps with the message you wanted. You read through all the instructions and follow them to a tee. 

You get ready to hit send on all your social media, knowing your life was about to get a whole lot more spicy. 

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