The Christmas Spirit

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You wake up on a cold Saturday morning in December, but for once with the calmness of knowing that winter break has finally started. Slowly making your way out to shower to get ready for the day, you take a gander out of your window and see nothing but snow back staring back.

"Guess winter has set in" You say with a sigh before going out to complete your morning routine. After showering you go out to the kitchen to make breakfast, on the way their you turn on the radio. While eating a sudden feeling of somberness washes over you, you slowly get out of your chair to turn off the radio again.

"I really hate christmas songs" You say quietly.

Having turned off the radio and finished your breakfast you walk to your living room and sit on your couch to ponder on what to do today. You sit there for a little before your phone ping making you jump a little, you look at the notification and a big smile forms on your face.

"I have an off day today and was wondering if you wanted to hang out :)" The notification from the one and only Rosé reads "Of course, i'd love to. Where do you want to hang out?" You text back. It's been over a month since that weekend of hanging out with Rosé ended, since then not a lot has happened other than you getting more attention at school and work since you were now 'The guy who knows Rosé' It isn't really attention you were looking for but it was something you couldn't avoid.

"What about your place?" She texts back. You look around at your small but clean apartment before responding with "Sure but my apartment is pretty small" You send a little embarrassed that your smaller living situation "Oh that's completely fine, i'll bring snacks. I'll be there around 2 pm if that's fine with you?" You look at the clock and see it's about 12 am "Yeah that sounds good".

After ending the conversation you do a little celebratory dance "A KPOP IDOL IS COMING TO MY APARTMENT TO HANG OUT" You say unable to control you excitement "I have to find something to wear, or should i just wear something comfy?" You wonder, after deciding on something simple you go to your closet to pick it out

After ending the conversation you do a little celebratory dance "A KPOP IDOL IS COMING TO MY APARTMENT TO HANG OUT" You say unable to control you excitement "I have to find something to wear, or should i just wear something comfy?" You wonder, aft...

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Having now picked out your outfit you start cleaning. Not that your apartment is messy you just dont have anything better to do.

After cleaning, you just lounge around your apartment until you hear a knock at the door, you immediately jump off your couch to open the door. You stand there for a moment, having to mentally prepare

"Calm down Y/N, it's just Rosé " You think to yourself before opening the door, awaiting on the other side is the always beautiful Rosé, you can't help but admire her for a short while before you're broken out of your trance.

"Hiiii Y/N" She says sounding like her always cheerful self "Hello Rosie" You say back with the smile that never seems to go away near her "I've brought snacks" She says pointing to a bag in her hand. After that you let her into your place where both of you take a seat in your couch. "You know your apartment isn't actually that small, i think it's very cozy" She says while looking around the living room "Isn't cozy the word people use when they don't wanna call where people live tiny?" You say playfully "NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT" Rosé says sounding a little panicked "Calm down Rosie, i know you didn't mean it like that" You lightly chuckle at her "You're mean" She says sounding fake offended, both of you end up chuckling a little.

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