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" Wait, what?! " Mike exclaimed as he gripped on keil's shoulder.

" You guys are dating? " Jessa asked seemingly in daze and still confused.

" And with Ai?! " Mike cried out as he repeatedly shook my boyfriend. I rolled my eyes and took keil off Mike's hold.

" So? You're just jealous because you couldn't get one and I have two. " I said cockily with a sly grin. Mike glared at me and punched my stomach which hurts.

" You punk- "

" Guys! This needs to be celebrated! Let's have a drink after classes! My treat! " Jessa whistled gleefully. She started walking towards our class, dragging a sulking Mike on her arms.

" Let's give the two some alone time. Mike, I feel single! " I heared jessa whined from far away.

I look beside me and immediately let go of keil. I blushed as he blushed too. I cleared my throat and shove my hand inside my pants pocket.

" Let's go. "

" Y-yeah, "


" Yeah, looks like I'll be staying at your house this whole week. " Keil said and shove his phone inside his pants pocket.

" Hm, okay. " I said and wing my bag over my shoulder. I sneakily hold keil's hands with mine and started walking outside the school.

" Should we stop on my house to pick some clothes? " He asked while gently swinging our hands. I hmm'ed and look at him in the corner of my eyes.

" No need, you look better in my clothes or even better without clothes. " I said which receive a smack from keil. I fake whine and pouted.

" That hurts. I think I need a kiss. " I plucked my lips.

" Dumbass. " Keil grunted blushing madly. I chuckled and kissed his cheeks.

" H-hey! "

" I don't know, I just have the urge to do that since I saw you this morning. " I said truthfully.

" You..  you're so unpredictable. "

" B-.. but don't you think we're moving too fast? " I look at him confused.

" I mean, I feel like we're just friends yesterday and we're being like this already. You know... Don't you feel awkward or hesitant? " Keil softly asked. I thought for a moment.

" I don't really care, I just do whatever comes into my mind or what I want. How about you? Do you feel awkward of hesitant.. I'll ask for permission first before touching you or doing anything. And for the hesitance... I think you don't need to worry about anything you'd want to do with me or our relationship... " I blushed and immediately shook my head.

" T-thats lame! J-just pretend I didn't said anything- "

" That's too much reassurance. I need that thank you. " I look at keil just to see him smiling at me softly. I smiled back and nodded.

" We're here. " I uttered and open the gate of my house. We entered inside and saw Ai on the porch, sitting on the three step stair case in front of the main door. He has his elbows on his knees, his hands supporting his small face with a pout.

" M-master! K-keil!! " The neko gleamed as he heared the gate opened.

" W-welcome h-home.. " Ai said softly as he stopped in front of me and keil.

" Aww you're so cute. " Keil said and hugged Ai. The neko blushed as he look at me.

I stepped in front of them and hugged the two.

" Are you bored? We should play something! " Keil said after I broke the hug. Ai nodded with a smile on his face.

" I-i missed you and master.. " Ai said softly with his tears laying flat on his head. I rubbed his head and kissed his forehead.

" Keil's staying here for a week, we also have a week off from school. We'll have so much time for you. " I said and gently pushed them to walk inside the house.

" R-really? " Ai jumped. His ears standing on top of his head, his tail also swinging left to right.

" Really. " Keil giggled.

I closed the door as the two settled on the living room.

" Did you eat Ai? " I can hear keil's voice from here.

" Y-yes, I eat a lot of candies and the food master gave me before leaving! " Ai responded excitedly.

" How about we surprise master? "

I furrowed my eyebrows at keil words.

Me? Surprise?

I saw them run towards my room.

" Stay on the living room M/n! We're doing something! " Keil said giggling loudly.

I did what he asked.

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