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Mia POV:

I feel burning in my eyes as I open them to see a white tiled ceiling with lights hanging down all around me. I flutter my petite eyelashes as my eyes start to adjust to the uneasy bright lights. The lights make me nauseous and next thing I know.. I'm over the side of the bed throwing up whatever was last in my stomach. I had an uneasy feeling.. A feeling of being misplaced. Where. Where am I? I tried to sit up again but I got a spinning feeling, and sank back into my pillows as I closed my eyes once again. I lay in the uncomfortable bed trying to figure out what happened and why the hell I'm here in the first place. Why am I in so much pain? I start to move my fingers one at a time and my toes to make sure they're there. Yep. All 20 of them. I can't really think straight right now, my mind keeps jumping from this to that and I plainly just can't think. I feel around me and find what feels like a remote. I feel little bumps which I identify as brail. I know brail. My little brother is blind and when he learned brail, I did too. I finally figured out that it said "Call Nurse." I thought it might be a good idea, so I pressed the button and loud beeping went off. It scared the absolute shit out of me, but I settled down after about the 5th beep. I thought I might have hit the wrong button when nobody came to my room, but then a tall blonde woman with kind eyes walked in.
"Hello. I'm Shay. I'm your morning and afternoon nurse. I'll be here tomorrow morning too, but I won't be here overnight. Jess will be your nurse tonight, but she'll introduce herself." She says. After she finished her mouth full of words, she gives me a big smile. "Now I see that you were in a car accident about ... 5 weeks ago? You've been in a coma since. I read here that you haven't yet been identified...." She trails off in her thought leaving me to wonder where my family is and why they haven't found me yet.
"My name is Mia Taylor. I'm 16 years old. Where is my family?" I asked sitting up slightly.
"I'll be right back." The nurse says jogging off. Why did she leave when I asked a question? What a dipshit. I then see her outside the door talking to another female. Probably a nurse or a doctor. She then nods her head and enters my room once again. "What was that about? Where is my family?"
"Okay. When your family heard that you were in a car accident, they raced here as soon as they could. They identified you and everything. The clipboard said you weren't identified but it was before your friends and family came. Anyway. As a test, every patient that comes into the hospital is drug tested and for women, tested for pregnancy. It seems that you tested positive for being pregnant. Now we aren't sure because it is still early to determine, but the doctor said she is pretty sure you are. Now-"
"PREGNANT? I AM NOT PREGNANT." I interrupted screaming.
"Mia, please wait till I am finished. Now. When your family found out you were pregnant, they left immediately. Your little brother protested them to not leave, but he didn't have much of a say in it. Now I asked your parents when they would be willing to take you home, seeing how we could release you in a week or so... And your mother didn't respond. The next day she came back and gave a different nurse this. She said to give it to you." She said holding up what looks like a slip of paper. "I suggest you don't read it right now seeing how you just woke up and good be a little dizzy and it could cause you to throw up. We don't want that. Would you like to wait?" She asks putting the note down.
"No. I want to read it right now please." I say extending my arm waiting for her to place it into my fingers. I want to know what it says. She takes a step forward and hands me the note.
"I'll be right back, call me if you need anything." She says as she exits my room. I look at the folded piece of paper. I stare at it blankly wondering what it might contain. I want to open it, but I don't want too. I roll it over and over in my fingers debating whether to open and unfold this piece of white lined paper with my name scribbled on the front in my moms writing. There is tape holding it together and its in a little square. My mind is racing but my heart is also. To open or to not open. I slide my finger across the glossy tape and decide, "what's the worst it could say?" There is a lot it could say.

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