Precious Moments

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That last second.. Was a precious moment. Right then, before I knew it, There was a honk louder than any honk that I had ever heard before and it rang through my ears like crazy. I turned around ever so slightly to find a tractor-trailer coming right for us in a 70mph lane. "We are going to die." I thought as I let out a piercing scream and ducked for cover.I felt a warm tear flow down out of my eyes as my last thought was "I don't want to die." Before I knew it, pain shot through my entire body. I remember faintly being thrown and tossed and glass everywhere as I tried to keep myself from screaming. I remember what it felt like to be thrown through a windshield. It's a crazy awful feeling, but what's worse is I remember how it felt. I remember opening my eyes to men in big yellow and black outfits and some other guys with blue latex gloves on. I remember seeing stuff flying through the air everywhere and paramedics trying to talk to me. I tried to talk, but it was as if my mouth was glued shut. It was as if I couldn't think or anything, or wasn't even there for that matter, but I was there. I remember my eyes closing after that and then just darkness. Is this what it feels like when your dying? Just nothing ? Is there even anything after this so called nothing?

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