Hey everyone!

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I know that I am the one who wrote the last chapter, but I'm not too crazy about it. I think I could have done better and not put sexual content in it. Next time I'll warn you with a new chapter if there will be some explicit stuff. I've been trying to keep writing lately but I'm in the middle of moving right now so it is hard to find time. I promise when I move there will be a lot more chapters coming. I think this story has so much potential.
So if I didn't make it clear,
There WILL be more chapters, just not right away.
I might write one right now but then I have to edit it and all kinds of stuff and I don't have the time much anymore.. Only in school a little bit some days. I am trying my hardest to do what I can and I will totally take ideas. If you want too, feel free to message me about some ideas you may have for the next chapter or so.

Are you excited?
This story is going to be FULL of twists and problems. I can't tell you if the story ends on a good note or not, but every fairytale does.
But just to be clear...
This is no fairytale.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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One Mistake is all it TookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora