The Kiss

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" What are you doing out here " a male voice demands. Turning towards the voice, I see Jacob scowling at us for some unknown reason. I move away from Mark feeling strange to be in his presence now that Jacob's here.

"How did you come upon us without making a sound." I ask deflecting the weird emotions I'm enquiring for the green eyed royal.  

"My people specialize in stealth fighting." Jacob answers simply moving his gaze from me to Mark. The stare is hostile but Mark didn't look bothered at all. .

"My friend, we are not your enemy so silence isn't needed with us." Mark laughs missing the look of suspicion on Jacob's face.

"Enemies can come in all forms" Jacob alleges making Mark's face sour. I'm about to interfere when Mark shakes his head telling me not to get involve.

"I don't betray the ones I call friends so watch your allegations Jacob." Mark warns and the tension in the barn spikes. They both stared down the other for a couple minutes until Jacob let out a chuckle. Mark follow soon after and they both look like old friends again not like two people fighting only moments ago.

"I am sorry Mark, I made an ass out of myself"  Jacob apologizes.

"Yes, you did" Mark states but then asks. "What brings you outside anyway."

"Oh Andrew sent me to find you, he wants to discuss the Delianians with you."  

"Yes of course" Mark jumps up giving Jacob a grin before returning his attention to me. "Sorry Andy, it looks like our time has come to an end, but it was nice talking to you."

"The same and please use that information I gave you for good not evil" I joke.

" I cannot make that promise" he quips before leaving out of the barn. Shaking my head at the comment I thought the man was an interesting choice for my shy Sarah.

"Did I interrupt a bonding moment between you two?" Jacob questions taking a seat on the barrel next to me.

"Yes, we are discussing wedding plans, and me in a white puffy dress." I fib thinking I'll earn a chuckle but Jacob is not laughing..

" That's not funny."

"Fine. we were discussing his plan to ask Sarah to marry him."

Blowing a sigh of relief Jacob looks less tense. "Yes, that's much more logical than you and Mark."

"You didn't think Mark would find me a suitable wife? " I ask feeling a little insulted. 

"You aren't compatible with each other. Mark needs someone who can support him and be his rock when he needs it the most"  Jacob explains. "Gallopia is in crisis  right now with the Delianians and he's under a lot of stress. Having a calm wife will ease some of his burdens from his shoulders."

"I never thought Mark had so many problems. He's always happy and carefree" I mention.

" He's good at masking them everyone does it, even you, Andy" he points out.

"True, although my issues are small compared to what is facing Weston right now."

"Weston's problems should be over soon, if Mark and Sarah marries"  Jacob proposes. 

"If my vision is right it will happen soon" I announce not caring I revealed that fact to Jacob.

" So That's what you saw earlier?"  Jacob says amused. "Did you tell Mark? 

"No," I comment giving him a glare. "And neither of us are going to spill the beans. Let it happen naturally."

 " Okay I will not reveal anything to Mark , I promise" Jacob pledges.  "Though I don't get your anger from earlier about your vision. "

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