Games and Relatives

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"Now that this is settled lets enjoy the festival," Jacob announces leading our group out of the Inn. When I step outside I can't help but smile at the transformation of the village. Instead of the dull brown buildings and the depressing air of recent raids to our crops. Weston's buildings  are  wrapped in red and yellow fabrics to symbolize the colors in the Petra flag. There are booths lined along the roads offering games, merchandise, and foods. The people's moods seem to brighten up with joy as most tried their hands at the games. 

Still scanning the area, I spot a game with bottles stacked upon one another and three balls that spark my interest. Smiling I know I had to try this game out myself. "Hey guys lets play this game it seems like fun." I insist walking to an elderly man that runs the booth. 

Seeing me, he gives a kind smile. "Do you want to try your luck?" He asks grinning more when the entire group appears behind me. 

"Yes please," I respond eagerly handing over the money to play the game.  The old man scoops up the coins and produces two more balls.

"The goal of this game is to knock over all the bottles and win a prize." The man explains gesturing to the trinkets on the shelves behind him. Seeing something red I instantly know what I want to win.

Squinting my eyes, I toss the first ball I knocking over all the bottles on my first try.

"Good aim"  the old man cheers . I smile and point towards a red scarf that caught my eye. Grabbing the scarf he hands it to me and I tie it around Jacob's neck.

" I think you look good in red" I compliment making my fiancé blush. "Take a throw its fun" I urge him giving Jacob one of my balls.  He gives me a glance before shrugging and adjusting his new scarf. Smiling with his usual cockiness, Jacob waits for the man to stack the bottles again. Once set up Jacob tries to copy my throw from moments ago but fails horribly.  His aim was so off he almost hit the booth twenty feet away in the opposite direction as us.

I don't know if it was the awe of the moment or Jacob's red face of embarrassment. Nonetheless laughter filled our group and even the surrounding villagers chuckled a little bit.

"Not all of us have good aim " the old man murmurs at Jacob's retreating form.. 

Deciding to cheer Jacob up I lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Good try honey" I laugh with Jacob rolling his eyes turning my peck into a full-blown kiss.

"I might not have won that game, but I'm still getting a prize." He remarks after the kiss earning only a grin from me. 

Up next is Rachel who looks ready to play. "Give it all you got Rachel" I cheered.

"I'll do my best" she laughs but quickly frowns at the man in the booth.. Trying to understand my friend sour expression I quickly realize the man is gawking  at Rachel's chest.

"If I was forty years younger," the man grins slyly getting Rachel angrier and the rest of our group joins her. 

"Sir, can you please give her the balls and reframe from leering at our friend's breasts." Jacob demands and the harshness of the words snaps the man out of his daze. In an instant, Rachel has three balls in her hand.  After that Rachel did win a prize on her second throw. A beaded necklace is what she chose and Mark decides to give it a try. Similar to myself he won on the first shot giving Sarah a stuff animal.

"Let's try another game,"  Mark declares scanning the other booths around us. Nodding in agreement we move to another game until a voice calling Jacob's name catches our notice. A blond-haired boy that looks to be sixteen came running up to us with two other boys. 

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