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The heat is blistering and the sun is shining brightly today. Shielding my eyes isn't keeping the sun at bay so I can finish my task. Of course, being in the middle of a cornfield among endless ears of yellow with no shade isn't helping either. My untrainable red curls stuck to me like a second skin. I had sweated more today than I ever had in the seventeen years I'd been alive.

What a sight I must be I thought. I could hear my mother's condescending tone in my head.

"Andy, you look like a pig," she would say with a snotty voice, sliding her hands through her perfectly straight blond hair that I didn't inherit. My mother, Ella, wants her daughters to always look perfect.

Her motto is to look your best to gain the attention of men. As her daughter, I'm told I am a disappointment for not living up to her ideals. Instead of trying to make me bend to her will, she just focuses on my older sister and lets my father raise me. It was like having one parent and Ella only acknowledge me if the fields needs tending.

Honestly the fields are all the villagers responsibility to handle. Our village is a shared community that profits off the land and the products we grow. Every villager is accountable for their share of work in the crops. But somehow, Ella got out of her share of the work by making me do it.

Thinking about it always makes me miserable. Ignoring my increasing anger, I pick up another piece of corn, attempting to finish my task before dinner, which I must prepare. Ella, and my sister refuse to prepare food. They feel it is beneath them to have to make dinner, that it is a job for a servant – meaning me.

I groan I wonder  what would it be like to have a family that helps each other, but it isn't meant to be. To them, I did not have their beauty, and would be better off doing menial tasks.

I wish one day, to be the girl who is proper and beautiful. The girl who the whole village looks upon in wonder.

I snort at the thought I couldn't be proper even if it is my name and, thankfully it wasn't. I am just a beanpole of a girl who isn't good at anything, and everyone knows it. Being stuck in the cornfield is a blessing. At least, it felt like I am making a difference, even a small one.

A few more minutes pass by of me picking corn with one hand and shielding the elements with another. Until a giant speck of dirt got in my eyes, burning them profusely. Rubbing and attempting to remove the unwanted invader from them. I trip on my pant's leg, falling on my bottom.

I groan in pain, but the noise is overshadow by the cruel laughter of my sister, Mel. Great, the one person who had to see me fall is my sister. Wincing, I turn around and prepare for whatever rude remark my sister is going to fling my way. She is lounging on the ground, using her magic to make the dirt around her swirl like a mini tornado. My mouth drop, at my sister's attitude and the injustice of it all.

I'm sweating like a hog in the summer while Mel is acting like this is a holiday. Our mother sent us both to do the crops. But, as usual, while I did the work by myself, Mel slacks off. Who was I kidding, thinking this day would be any different? This had been the routine since we were small. Mel believes that her job is to be pampered, while I did the hard labor. She even told me so in that arrogant tone of hers as she left her share of work on my shoulders.

"Andy, you should be happy, I'm giving you  the practice for what you will be doing for the rest of your life." She said when we were ten and twelve years of age. For some reason Mel and I couldn't get along. We were sisters and close in age but every time I tried to get closer to her; she would block my efforts. And after what she said on that day, we would never have a chance.

"It is beneath me to work in the fields. I will be a lady someday and need to conserve my beauty." Mel said, while brushing her hair and giving me, a cruel smile. "Hey, you might even catch a husband in one of the field hands. When they see what a strong worker you are your lack of beauty will not be a factor." And with that she left our shared room.

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