The Bulkans

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The food booths of the Princess Festival are numerous in variety and quantity. It had something sweet for festivalgoers in the form of candy and donuts  selling side by side. And if you desire something hearty they had ten different styles of chicken and beef courses to choose from. I was just about to ask Laura what she wanted to try first when I notice the sour expression on her face.  Her face is tilted to the side and her nose starts to wrinkle like she inhaled something horrid.

At what she's smelling Laura's demeanor stiffen and she seems more alert..  I wasn't the only one noticing her actions. "Laura, what's the matter? "King Louis asks touching her hand getting her attention.

"The Bulkans" she warns looking  to the east as a man appears in the crowd. The man did have the Bulkans features with ice blue eyes and a gigantic body for which the nation was known for. His size is a little frightening that the nearby people begin to distance themselves from him. He didn't seem to mind gliding proudly to our direction with a certain confidence in his air.

"Laura, I've been looking for you everywhere." The stranger announces grinning at Laura like he caught his prey. 

"Alek, I did not know you were coming here." She greets the man with a strain smile. 

"I heard about the festival from a couple of my men and decided to check it out. It was sort of a last minute choice but seeing you here it  must be fate." Alek suavely answers before looking around realizing there is other people present.. "Where are my manners? I am Alek Cuka of Bulka and who are you may I ask?"

"I am Andy Miller, and this is Sarah Palmer and Rachel Goodman. We're friends of Laura" I responds taking in the man up close. Alek to my knowledge seems to be in his late thirties or early forties with graying  long blond hair that lands on his muscular shoulders. He has scars on his cheeks, neck, and stomach that I can see through the leather buttoned vest he wore. The swords and knives strapped to him seems to compliment his attire. Alek's height matches Malcolm's, but he didn't have the kindness in his blue eyes that the young general possesses.

"Of course, the seer and the elemental witches. My Laura talks about you girls often."  Alek remarks shaking our hands and I was silently glad when he let go.  Something about this man made me  dislike him especially the way he speaks about Laura. It was like she is a possession not a person.  Just thinking about this thought makes me remember something Laura once confided with me about.  It was a couple of days after she return from negotiating the Bulkans treaty. She was visibly shaken about an encounter with a Bulkan's general. Apparently the man became so enamored with her he began following her everywhere. She couldn't be out of his sight or the man would start fights like a jealous lover. It was so bad Laura had to sneak back to Perta in the cover of night just to escape the fellow.. 

I hoped the incident was behind her but by looking at Laura's face the nightmare came back. 

"I am King Louis of Perta welcome to my land." King Louis announces pulling my focus off my friend and to their conversation. . At hearing  the king's title Alek looks at Louis sizing him up before offering his hand to shake. 

"Nice to meet you, your Majesty," Alek declares but the way he says it made the hairs of my arm stand up. The others did their introductions to Alek, but you can tell the tension is tight in our group.

 "Its nice to meet so many royals and their ladies but none as beautiful as my Laura." Alek alleges touching Laura's face making her recoil slightly.

"Oh, how sweet," Mel says snidely giving Laura a smirk. "Why don't you lovebirds get out of here and spend time together." Mel suggested leaning closer to King Louis as she says that. Scowling I can tell my sister scheming to get rid of Laura to ensure the King's focus will be squarely on her.

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