The Vision

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The sun is bearing down on  the five of us in the hay maze of horror  which is what I'm calling it in my head. Four hours had passed with us not getting any closer to finding a way out. My small group looks tired  leaning on the stacks of hay in defeat.

"Andy, I hate you right now."  Sarah moans sitting on the ground. Mark is right next to her trying to be uplifting, but failing when Sarah gives him a stink eye.

"Sarah, don't be angry we'll get out of here. " I reply searching for any sign we were near the exit.  

"Andy admit it we been going in circles," Sarah yells hysterically waving her arms at the endless turns that we had already been through.

" Fine we're lost" I conceded kicking at the ground in frustration. The only one who still seems animated is Jordan as he  babbles on to Jacob who is entertaining the child. To be young and unaware of being lost is a gift I thought.

"I wish I didn't come in this maze again,"  Sarah whines laying her head on the hay. I'm about to say we should head back to the entrance when a loud explosion almost shattered my eardrum. The ground vibrates and more loud booms echoes around us. Looking up and seeing smoke that appears to be coming from the village.

"What is going on!!!!"  Mark  shouts looking at the smoke.

"I don't know, but we should get out of here."  Jacob says  as my eyes starts to blur as the path out of the maze is shown to me. Somehow, the chaos initiated my magic and I can see the path to freedom. 

The exit I estimated is ten yards from us. "Follow me, my sight has shown me the way out." I yell running off before anyone can argue . Hearing thundering footsteps behind me, I'm happy the others are following behind.

In a surreal state, I feel my magic pulling me along like an invisible thread and I can't stop. When the exit comes into view the power decreases but is still there as my normal eyesight returns. Once we passed the exit, everyone is out of breath but no one says a word. We're speechless  watching Weston go up into flames. On the top of the hill, we views buildings and homes on fire, Smoke fills the air so thickly we can smell it on the outskirts of the town. I can hear the yells and screams of people running, but none of this makes sense. 

"Andy" Jordan yells pointing to James, Travis, and David coming our way. Looking around  for the others I cannot see  Rachel's group with them. 

Feeling sick I turn towards the boys hoping they aren't in the village. "Where are Rachel and the others" I ask?

"They went on ahead to see what's going on." James  answers looking concern and with that answer I can hear Sarah in the background crying. My heart drops my worst fears comes true.

"When did they leave?"  Jacob questions taking charge of the situation.

"They left about a half an hour ago when the first fires began. We started to get worried after the booms were heard"  David replies looking horrified at the scene. What once was the jewel of the west is being consumed by fire. The smoke alone  left a black mass of emptiness in its wake.

People kept filling my mind all at once. People whom I had known my whole life were in that mayhem. "Oh god. They are down there"  Sarah weeps still in a state. At that, a vision comes to me, and everything turns white in a matter of seconds.. I am swept up so fast I did not have time to prepare.

I found myself at the center of the village filled with happy festival goers. The dancers just finished their performance, and the big show is about to begin. Just as Ariel Matters, the best singer in Weston gets on stage, I saw arrows flying. One of them hit Ariel in the arm as her mother screams running to her daughter's aid, but the attacks kept coming.

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