A Better Life

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Stumbling out the kitchen door, I barely caught myself and the food. Sarah isn't so fortunate slipping and only being saved by Mark grabbing her around the waist. Although he cannot balance the food dishes and they waste on his shirt. Sarah looks mortified for her part and tries to apologize, but Mark dismissed it.

"Don't worry it was an accident." He says escorting  a stun Sarah to the table where the others are waiting.

"That worked better than I planned" Rachel gloating behind me. 

I send a glare at the tall girl, not liking her scheme at all. "You could have made Sarah and me fall. What would that have done?"

Smiling at me Rachel's face is smug. "Men like to rescue women in distress and look at Mark. He's fussing over Sarah.."

" That wasn't your doing just a lucky coincidence" I murmur.

"Maybe, lets just see what happens next." Rachel answers grinning walking to the table like she masterminded a great theft. 

She lays down her dishes and took a seat by my father and mother. I could see the table is arranged for eight people, not the usual ten. Looking around, the only free seats left is one at the end with Jacob and the last beside Ella. Moving to the spot by Jacob I am about to sit, when Ella speaks up.

"Andy, I'm saving that spot for your sister. Come sit next to me." I freeze holding in a groan of despair following her order.

"Let Andy sit where she wants Melissa is the one late"  Father declares giving me permission to sit where I desire. Ella glares at him, but thankfully she keeps her mouth shut. Breathing a sigh of relief I mouth to father a thank you.

"Thank the heavens, I did not want  to sit next to your sister". Jacob whispers in my ear earning a chuckle from me." 

 I'm about to reply when a loud thumping is heard. Everyone quickly shot out of their seats as the sound gets louder. I start trying to pinpoint its location but someone confirms it first.

"It is coming from outside" Sarah squeak jumping at each bang.

"Let me go find out what's going on." I volunteer going to the door but a hand caught my wrist. 

Jacob shakes his head refusing to let go of me. "I'll go." At that statement he pulls out his sword and gently removes me out of the way. Mark falls into place behind him taking out his own weapon moving towards the disturbance.

Not wanting to be left out, I find myself  following behind with Sarah and Rachel. As we get closer to the door, a male voice slurring curses can be heard.

I groan knowing who was causing this mayhem before Mark opens the door. There, right on the grass outside the front door is a man in his late fifties. The man's pants are falling off him and his shirt stained. His brown hair is dirty and tangled like it hasn't been combed in days.  Obviously he's drunk struggling on the ground with five soldiers restraining him. The soldiers looks ready to beat the man senseless when he backhands one of them.

 "You have no right to hold me " he yells flailing around like a three year old having a tantrum. "I pay my taxes" he continues to scream when the soldiers finally tied his hands and legs together. 

"Dad please stop!"  Sarah pleads hysterical hurrying over to the man on the ground. She scans her father's face trying to detect injuries. "Good he isn't hurt" she says thankfully, though Rachel and I were a little disappointed.

John Palmer at hearing her voice stop his fighting turning his hateful gaze on his daughter. Instantly Sarah takes a step back and begins to tremble. Grabbing her hand, I squeeze it showing Sarah I 'm here and she's safe.

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