The End of Weston

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One day has past since the invasion of Weston and the fires are nearly gone. The bodies of the dead burning is the only thing left besides survivors.  Surrounded by the Delianians and Bulkans, the hostages remained crowded together trying to remain calm. In the corner of the square, Rachel and Laura watches Ella speaks to the Delianians general. The man that slaughtered the Weston militia and the royals forces with his mysterious weapon.

"We need to find out if Louis and Malcolm are alive" Laura whispers in tears. Rachel who is right beside her feels sympathy for the shorter girl. She just got engaged to the man, and this occurs.

"I think they are in the marketplace. I seen some men being taken in that direction."   Rachel answers trying to sound confident but in her own mind.  She's a complete mess as memories of Malcolm keeps  swarming into her brain. She might not have known Malcolm for long but Rachel could tell he was a good man.  

"Well good there is still hope." Laura announces wiping her face before scanning the crowd with her unseeing eyes. 

 " That's right we still have hope. We'll find a way to escape and find our love ones." Rachel says with determination.

"I know Rachel, I do not doubt that," Laura says squeezing her hand. Feeling more reassured  Rachel leans in closer as one of the Delianians guards overseeing them glances their way. They both looked down trying to appear unthreatening and less like a troublemaker. Thankfully Andy wasn't here, that girl attracts trouble too easily.

"Gosh, I wish I had brought my knife with me."  Laura grunts out messing with the ropes that held their hands bound. Ella Miller decided that all the women and children should be tied together making it harder for someone to escape. 

Scanning the crowd and seeing familiar figures approaching Rachel is worried. However not for herself, but Laura as Alek and Ella comes their way. "Be quiet Laura" she warns. "Ella and Alek are coming our way."

Both girls instantly shut their mouths and look at the ground. Ella is the first to speak to the girls in a sickly-sweet manner. Lifting their heads and trying not to glare at the woman they now hated. Ella stands in front of them in a new dress made of silk with a jeweled necklace around her neck. It seems being a traitor is giving her attire an upgrade. "Laura, Alek told me, he is going to make you his wife." She announced looking at Laura waiting for a response, but none came. The silence must have been irksome to the weather witch because  she tries again. "Are you not happy dear?" At her question Ella still receives no answer. Rachel is happy for her friend's silence as Ella continues. "Laura you should be grateful for the fortunate offer.  A proposal from the General  is generous, especially for a girl with your limitations."

Laura to her credit glares at Ella before she finally speaks. "I don't want to speak to a traitor like you."  Laura's words seem to slap the triumph out of Ella's face at being insulted . Ella looks enrage and seeing that Rachel moves closer to Laura incase the weather witch attacks her.

"I did what was necessary for Melissa and me to live in luxury." Ella claims looking at Laura in anger. "We deserve more than to live in this nothing village." 

Hearing that Rachel's mouth drops and Laura looks ready to scratch out Ella's eyes.

"These are the people you grew up with Ella. They thought you were a friend." Laura  shouts pointing towards the other hostages around them.

"They are the same people that didn't speak up on my behalf when my life was on the line." Ella argues back glaring at the other hostages." I had nothing left to lose when Alek offered me his deal so I took it." She says not getting any sympathy from the two girls.

Although Laura did seem interested in Ella's deal. "What did the Bulkans promise you for your loyalty?" She asks with curiosity making Rachel wonder what Laura is thinking.

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