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She pulled up her Rolls-Royce into Ellie's driveway. She waited as she came out before shouting "don't forget what you promised me" seeing her confirmation she rolled up her windows and began to drive home.

Her family was in no way poor, they lived comfortably, very comfortably but she was able to begin her charity for herself using her mother's mum. Everyone knew her dad payed her money instead of actually being there but it worked out fine for her.

Her business had grown as she dabbled in more drugs: weed, cocaine, heroine and every other drug she could get her hands on. It might have been selfish for dealing the same thing which her mother was trying to quit but everyone has their own demons and they've got to rise.

Only her buyers knew a bit more about her than the rest of the towns occupants. She was a bitch, not for everyone to see, but she was a bitch and embodies it.

She waited for the doors to open before driving through and parking her car in the garage

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She waited for the doors to open before driving through and parking her car in the garage. She swing the keys on her finger, gathered her things and made her way to the empty house.

"Mamma, dove sei? Sono a casa. Mamma, scusa se sono rimasta fuori fino a tardi, ma ho comprato del cibo a casa."

Translation: Mama, where are you? I'm home. Mama I'm sorry for staying out late but I've brought food home

She shouted from the hallway. Her mother always became angry or sad when she didn't turn up at the correct time, thinking she was doing drugs, she didn't want her daughter to travel down the same path as she did. In and out of rehab with no will to live. Her mind occasionally brought back those memories but Lillian had suppressed these thoughts.

"Ti ho detto che ho lasciato Ellie a casa sua, ti ho detto che ho fatto tardi mamma. Ti preoccupi senza motivo. Dai, mangiamo prima che il cibo si raffreddi"

Translation: I told you I was dropping off Ellie at her house, I told you I would be late Mama. You worry for no reason. Come on, let's eat before the food gets cold.

After her mother made a sign to say she understood, Isabella asked "Perché hai chiamato più volte oggi? Che è successo mamma?" "Il tuo bastardo di padre vuole conoscere te e Sebastian. Non posso lasciare che ti porti via da me. Tu sei tutto quello che mi è rimasto" "mamma starò con te e questa è la mia decisione finale ma cosa succederà quando andrò all'università? Cosa farai allora mamma?" "Andrò in Italia visto che non ho altro qui" "staremo bene mamma promettimi" she lay her head on her mother's shoulder wondering what was to come.

Translation: "why did you call several times today? Did something happen mama?" "Your bastard father wants to meet you and sebastián. I can't let him take you away from me. You're all I have left." "Mama I'm staying with you and that's my final decision but will happen when I go to university? What will you do mama?" "I'll go to Italy there's nothing left for me here" "we'll be okay Mama promise"

The continuous worry for her mother made her restless. What should she do care for her mother and stay in this infested town or leave and be selfish? was tossed through her brain and her thoughts as she turned restlessly in her sleep. Her false and empty promise ringing continuous in her head as she was branded a failure. Humiliated in front of everyone, her walls brought down in shame as passer by jeered.

That night she didn't get any sleep, much like it would be for the upcoming months.

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