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Paul had left after making sure the substitute bodyguards had been introduced and he was sure the boys were in safe hands. Officer Nick and Officer Dwayne seemed more than capable despite being a little on the quiet side but after multiple reassurances that they were fine he left.

By now Zayn would have been home with his girlfriend, she would have probably gotten up at sunrise and began her yoga, go on a jog and be back by the time Zayn would wake up.  They would have something healthy on Becca's insistence that he had to eat somewhat healthy. They would then probably go to the farmers market that Becca had wanted to go but never had enough time. God he missed his fucking girlfriend but the timezones were terrible with her being in Tokyo and a roughly 13 hour time difference it was hard to catch a time hen they were both free and not exhausted.

The first day he had his new bodyguards everybody came into the living room and had a marvel marathon, or at least tried to but sandy and Jon stop watching after there was an argument about which order to watch it in, Dan had prior commitments so he didn't have to come and was already in England.

The next day, Zayn decided to implement some sort of order into his life for the next month and it would start by walking rhino around the town so he could figure out where everything was.

From his perspective, everything was normal just that well everything was bigger and in mansions, the kind his sister's would dream about living in when they were younger and maybe a prince if they were worthy of his sisters. He probably should call them, the last time he had seen waliyah was probably a month ago when she came to his concert, safaa had been three months ago when she announced she was engaged and then a couple minutes after announced she was pregnant, Zayn though she was rushing in to her relationship and she should not try and force something but what ever happened he would support her, doniya he had last seen at safaa reveal where their mum had almost fainted. He probably should go back and visit them, he knew he should.

Rhino had stopped in front of a small shop that sold plants, from what he could see there was nothing special, a couple of flowers, some fresh grown fruit and veg but that was it, but never the less he entered because there must have been a reason as to why rhino stopped outside the shop.

"Hi, is there anything you're looking for? A particular plant?" a voice called out in front of him. He looked up, in front of him was a young woman, when he wanted to describe her all he could think of were opposites, she looked mature yet innocent, if he were asked to describe her he would be stumped but he could certainly paint her.

"Hello, excuse me, are you okay?" She asked clicking her finger hoping to wake him out of his trance. "Sorry I apologise I got lost in my head what was it that you asked?" "You're British?" "I suppose I am" "I asked if you needed any help, you seemed a little confused, I'm Isabella and this little thing is my store, well it's more of a way to raise money and do I know you from somewhere?" "No, I don't think so I'm Javadd" "right so not Zayn the world wide popstar" "nope" "well I guess it's nice to meet you javadd, and whose this gorgeous guy beside you?" She asked kneeling to pet rhino. "Rhino" "I think rhino wants to roam around the store, just make sure you put a leash on him when you go outside and keep him away from Mrs Garcia, she has an allergy" she went ahead and removed the leash from the collar.

"So Javadd what brings you to this town, many people from abroad would not know this place existed hell some Americans don't so why are you here?" "Well since you already know who I am" "the baseball hat, constantly avoiding eye contact it makes you stand out like your hiding something" "just my identity and to answer your previous question a friend asked me to sing at her niece's birthday so here I am" "right, did you want something or are you gonna look around" Isabella asked looking over Zayn's shoulder at the person who had come in, seeing his confusion, "he's a regular I sell him fake cactus because he keeps forgetting they're there and well let's say the result is not nice. It was nice meeting you Zayn, hope to see you around" with that she off towards the next customer.

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