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"You don't need to worry, we just want to get a understanding of her and family life to see the possible factors of what might have concluded to her death" "so it wasn't natural?" "No we suspect there has been foul play at hand. I'm officer Colson and that there is officer Pete, we're just gonna ask a couple of questions and we want you to be truthful as possible. This is not meant to offend you but you'll be hooked to a lie detector, officer Pete will be looking to see if you say the truth. The first question is what is your full name?" "It's Isabella Alyssa Grace" "that is indeed true" "and what was your friends name?" "Ellie Jemima Parker" "that is true." "Could there be someone who wanted her dead, to the point where they killed her?"


Silence filled the room. "I don't know. I don't think so, nobody here hates anyone to the extent where they would kill someone, let alone Ellie." "What do you mean let alone Ellie?" "Everyone loves her, she volunteers at the animal shelter and helps at the orphanages and all that. You can ask anyone they'll only have words of praise for her" "she's saying the truth" "does she have a boyfriend or a partner of some sort?" "No, but she does like a girl but I don't think it got any further than that" "what's her name?" "Ophelia Ruskin but everyone calls her angel" "have her brought in for questioning. When was the last time you saw her?" "Last night, we went out to eat" "and what did she do? Is there anything that seemed odd or out of place" "yeah, but I can't remember. She kept on talking about staying here or something like that." "Anything else you can remember about yesterday?" "Oh, she had an hour long phone call while we were out" "right, and where were you?" "I can't remember" "that's a lie Colson" "where were you? The less information you give us the longer it will take so I'll repeat myself once again where were you last night?" "At the club"

Officer Colson moved towards where officer Pete was sat. Officer Pete looked towards her and said "go rest, it's been a long day we'll call you if we find anything or need to ask more questions. And by the way, you can call me Pete and him Colson rather than with the word officer in front of it."

Isabella made her way out of the room and towards the canteen gaining a bit of food and sympathy from the workers. She made her way to where the reception was with the word "drugged" banging and clattering around in her head. She had heard Colson whisper his suspicions of her being drugged to Pete which she heard before she left the room.

What was happening? And why was it happening now?

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