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Isabella stared at the clock- it was three. There was no way she would be able to sleep and wake up in time for school. There's no way, miss perfect would skive so she had to go in tomorrow.

She walked down the banister and down to the bar, pouring herself a glass of Hennessy to help her blood run faster. One glass turned into two, which turned into four and before she knew it seven. It was gonna fucking kill her tomorrow but that was not drunk Izzy problem, sober Izzy would deal with it. She always had and drunk Izzy was tired, she wanted to do something because she wanted to, not because so she could prove others wrong or right, or to be rebellious. She was tired of living this lie and it was consuming her alive.

She slumped forward as her eyes began to close and she began to become drowsy. Her hair cascading like waterfalls across her face. The honey highlights shining in the darkness of her hair. Dead to the rest of the world, she was finally at peace.

At least until the morning, Izzy was awoken by sebastián shaking her shoulders. "Izzy, vas a llegar tarde a la escuela. Levántate y vístete. Dejé comida en el mostrador ".

Translation: Izzy wake up your going to be late for school. Get up and get dressed. I've left food on the counter.

With that Isabella dragged her feet to her room and made her self presentable. Within 15 minutes she ran out of the house saying her goodbyes and driving to Ellie's house.

"What the hell happened to you?" "Rough night" "let's switch, don't argue at least put on some make up and comb your hair. I'm assuming you didn't eat because I can smell mackies so eat before your stomach rumbles" "you want some?" "No I've eaten at home"

Isabella made herself presentable before they reached the school. "I'll see you later, if anyone does anything tell me and I'll sort it out Jem" "go I'll be fine. Must you be dramatic everyday" "you poor innocent soul. Alright I'm going." The two part ways.

As she entered the class, her eyes scanned the room looking for ji-yoo. "Hey Lee, you good?" "I'm just tired." "Can't give up just yet buddy we're almost there" "do you ever wonder if there's multiple realities and what I could be doing in each one" "well no matter what, ji-yoo would be an amazing person and if he wasn't in my other lives then my world would be a little dimmer" "I wanna fly" "don't we all, you want some. It might help." "No, not today. Mum's coming back and I don't wanna be high" "my window will be open if you need me. Go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we have to leave" with that he drifted off into a sleep.

Everyone had their problems, hell looking around the room most had dead beat parents, addictions, the weight of the world put on our shoulders burden with parents expectations to get the grades.

We were all worn out, the bags couldn't be hidden behind the makeup, the frayed edges of people's nails that were chipped, chapped lips and scarred skin. Hoping we could make them proud, so they would be happy with us.

But that's how life goes and the circles goes we live simply to exist not to live and enjoy. Because we can only enjoy for so long before it catches up to us and makes a scene.

The teachers had long given up trying to control the students, if they messed around and made snarky comments while they did the work so be it, at least they looked alive even if it was a mere minutes.

The day slowly passed with Izzy rushing home informing her mother she would be back and to not wait for her, she went to the library.

She saw the bags first, but no Juliet. The place had been in a quiet corner sectioned off from the rest of the library.

She turned and looked at the door. Would Juliet be coming any time soon? First her boyfriend now her. What was going on?

She saw a small light light up underneath a couple of sheets and paper and despite her initial action of staying away her curiosity peaked as she moved the papers away revealing a message from a unknown number

'how long do you think you can keep this a secret? That is if you want it to be a secret you know what I want, deliver it by the end of this week or it gets out'

As she finished reaching the message, her shoulder jerked backwards and Juliet stood before. "Why are you reading my fucking messages? Who gave you the right? You don't think I don't know about your fucking secret, I'll fucking ruin you so don't go sticking your head went it don't belong." She hissed in Isabella ear her frustration evident along with the dried tear tracks. "Don't say a fucking word or even try anything. What would daddy dearest say if he found out about your business or better yet Brown, Princeton or Columbia say. Those offers would be removed in an instant" "you wouldn't dare bitch" "oh I would so stay out of my business and I'll do the same to yours. Glad you could understand" she smiled sweetly before we began.

We worked for two hours before we parted ways, an almost mutual understanding between us both. Only time would tell how close they would get or lose this connection.

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