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Everyone's heard of those people who brag they know someone, then proceed to list a long line until they finally reach the person. At least that what had caused the family emergency that had put a stop to his tour and from staying with girlfriend and family. At least the pay would be increased and Zayn could rest for the rest of the year without doing a public appearance. Not that he didn't love seeing his fans, he did but he despised the camera flashes here and there and the swarming crowds.

How he got into this situation, some girls mother had asked her sister in law who asked her nephew who asked his best friend who asked his uncle and so forth until Zayn. He'd initially refused, refused to act as someone personal entertainment, he'd wanted to finish this six months tour yet here Zayn was taking a whole month detour. As he petted rhino, all he could think about was if it was worth the distance from his loved ones, not his best mate, that one travelled with him everywhere he went. A hyperactive one to contrast his own less enthusiastic one. It's why they had been best friends this long.

(Louis in bold and underlined, Zayn is normal)

"Come on zee, that's basically six months where you don't have to socialize and I can't bug you" "like you don't come barging in my house every fucking morning at the crack of dawn to tell in my ear and wake me up you Muppet" "after this I'm probably gonna go home" "like London or Doncaster" "Donny, think something goings on but nobodys telling me anything so I don't worry" "they'd tell you if it were something serious, so long you staying there?" "Month or two or hold your tears I know how much you'll miss me" "yeah, who's gonna be my personal alarm" "is that all you think I'm worth? The audacity of you Malik, I thought we were stronger than that" "yeah, don't worry your my one true love and all" Louis had fake tears running down his cheeks "you mean that?" "Yeah" "and what about Becca?" "She's only a side piece, nothing to how I love you Lou" a familiar voice answered his question "so your girlfriend is now your side piece is she?" Louis eyes twinkled as he held the phone to Zayn, with a tap of the shoulder he left with his laughter ringing clear "hey babe" "hi love" the pair of lovers talked before Becca was called away.

Zayn was pulled into a deep sleep, his high feeling fuzzy and warm as he began to ask his security guard how long it would be until they would reach.

The bus reached to halt, assuming they had arrived Zayn started to get up. He pulled the curtains expecting to reveal a house but there was only a welcome sign.

(Paul Higgins in bold)

"Paul what's going on? Where are we?" He asked to his bodyguard. "The driver said we couldn't go any further, there's something in the path" "so how long until we reach? Rhino needs to go a for a walk soon or has someone done that while I was asleep" "we stopped an hour ago and Louis wanted to stretch his legs and took rhino with him. Don't worry your baby is fine" " I know, I've got the best people around me who treat him like a king. How come your here, weren't you supposed to go home?" "Yeah but they couldn't find a bodyguard on short notice" "not short notice your wife is 9 months pregnant why the fuck are you with me? I love you and all and I know you've got an emotional attachment but I'll be fine. I'm getting a private plane for you and I don't wanna hear a word" "Zayn" "no, you've been one of the people who've helped me since the start of my career you are allowed to have personal time and they've assigned two guards. Not that I'll need them it's a small town and what could possibly happen so your going and nothing can change my mind" "your a good lad Zayn" "I try to be" "whose going to keep you and Louis out of trouble now?" "Lou and I are angels what trouble? We'll be fine don't worry. Gotta leave some hairs to turn grey for your kids"

The pair walked out of the tour bus where they saw Zayn's manager Ben, the driver and a girl in discussion. A little further ahead her car blocking the path as it had crashed into the tree.

(Josh in italics)

"Mate, whose the girl?" a voice asked behind his shoulder. "Dunno Josh maybe if I was there I would know but I'm not am I" "alright grumpy pants" "I'm the grumpy pants, you threw a hissy fit yesterday because your favourite spot was taken and we didn't watch what you wanted, you immature child" "children please would you stop bickering. It's like your both five and fighting over a toy. How about you both go and see what's happening instead of arguing" Zayn and Josh grumbled behind Paul but still followed him.

"She's rich like she's fucking loaded" "what do you mean?" "Look at that car, that's gotta be worth a lot and she doesn't look bothered she crashed it" "Josh" "yeah?" "We're here for a month because we're giving a private concert to a rich kid for her birthday, they're all rich, she's probably come home from her holiday or something" "how rich?" "Like old money, the girl we're giving a concert to her family invested in oil and diamond in the late 1800s and her family is like a newbie"

Paul honestly wondered how they played in front of millions on an average night. When he signed up for the job he though he would look after an egotistical musician who would not care about his job, instead he got a boy who marvelled at the world and his mouthy best friend and four more children. Maybe he had taken a wrong turn somewhere but he didn't mind because he loved his job even if sometimes he complained. It seemed that out of Zayn's backing band Josh was the one who the fans loved the most, funnily enough he was also the one Zayn was the closest to.

(Bold and italics is Ben, underlined is Savannah)

"Hey Ben, what's wrong?" "Savannah car crashed into the tree and she needs a little help" "I'm assuming your Savannah?" "And your Zayn Malik" "right, so what exactly is going to happen?" "Well a lift would be nice" "how do you know she won't kill us" "you're funny, but I guess you'll have to take that risk. I can leave the car here and it should be fine to just go round the road for a bit"

Savannah followed the group inside the tour bus waiting to reach the town. Savannah asked why they had come here, this wasn't a town frequented by Hollywood stars. In exchange she told them of how she had been informed of her sister death and had booked a plane ticket straight here.

After dropping her in front of what seemed like a mansion to all everyone and a list of direction to where they would stay, Savannah left the Hollywood stars to find there new abode. Maybe this town wasn't as pleasant as it seemed

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