Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After explaining everything that happened from the night before, because I needed to tell someone before I exploded, Libby didn’t let up about the supposed ‘chemistry’ between Jamie and me for the next few days. He only had to ask me if I wanted a drink and she would give me a look that said ‘I told you so’. I generally tried to ignore her sneaky looks but avoiding Jamie was increasingly difficult. If I’m honest with myself, the feelings that coursed through me whenever I looked at him scared me to death. He is my brothers BEST FRIEND! I have known him practically my whole life. I have played in his back garden, pissed in his paddling pool, stolen his action men so they could be my Barbie’s boyfriends, chased him while playing kiss chase, so on and so forth, repeat to fade.

We hadn’t stayed up together alone since that night and we were now well into the second week of the holiday. I have tried to act as normal as possible, without sending blood to my cheeks, which after years of living without, now seems to be happening more frequently, as well as in other parts of my body that I didn’t even know could blush.

“He is going to make a move before this holiday is over” Libby remarked once again, as we lounged on our bed in our room, escaping the midday sun for a while.

“Lib, please, this isn’t helping me you know” I sighed, placing the magazine down beside me and rubbing my hands over my face in exasperation.

“Look babe, I’m sorry, I know this is hard for you, but I can sense it, he feels the same way, I mean who wouldn’t? Have you looked in the mirror?” she exclaimed, sitting up from her position.

“He just sees me as Dan’s little sister, always has done and always will, I just need to get over this little crush and try and get back to normal” I sighed, getting up off the bed and leaving Libby in our room. I needed some time by myself to clear my head and as much as I love her, for the first time ever I just can’t do that with Libby around. I quickly splash some water on my face in the bathroom before making my way on to the patio where everyone else sat around the pool.

“Mom, I’m gonna go for a quick walk up the lane towards the town, I’m feeling abit antsy and just need to stretch my legs for abit” I said as I walk past her towards the double gates that separate the property from the street.

“You shouldn’t go walking around here on your own sweetheart, not at your age” she stated, looking at me worryingly. She knows something is wrong, my mom can read me like a book, but unlike everyone else, she knows when to leave me alone to sort things out for myself, that’s what I love about her, “Dan, go with your sister will you”

“Argh mom I’ve just got comfortable in my tanning position, I’m doing the left side this afternoon” he cried, frustrated at being asked to disturb his afternoon. I don’t particularly want Dan coming with me anyway, I can’t exactly blurt out ‘I’m seriously considering throwing myself vagina first at your best friend’. Don’t think that would go down well with my beloved brother.

I rolled my eyes and turned to my mom, “I’ll be fine mom, promise, I’m taking my phone” I tried to reassure her but she looked just as worried.

“I’ll go with her,” the last voice I wanted to hear say those words piped up. The one person I’m trying to get away from.

“Ahhh there you go Beth, thanks Jamie, it would put my mind at rest” my mom sighed contentedly, lying back down onto her sun lounger as if the discussion was over. If only my mom could actually read my mind and not just read my body language.

“You know what, its okay, I don’t wanna be an inconvenience, thanks anyway Jamie” I said, frustrated that my time on my own wasn’t going to happen, but also relieved I didn’t have to be in close proximity to him.

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