Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

“Ooohhhh my head” I moaned as I curled up on a sun lounger by the pool. I felt sick, had 100 elephants stomping round my head and my eyes were extremely sensitive to the sun. I am NEVER drinking again.

“I hope you have learned your lesson young lady,” my dad said, bringing me a glass of water and some aspirin.

“Yes dad, I definitely have” I assured him as I reached for the water and tablets, downing them all in one go.

“What a fine day it is today!” Jamie exclaimed, as he walked out onto the patio and stretched his arms up over his head making the muscles in his upper body contract. A hangover plus lusting after someone does not mix well, especially someone who pretty much repulsed you less than 2 weeks ago. Ok slight exaggeration, he never repulsed me, but I’m hungover, I’m allowed to be dramatic. The elephants decided to make their way from my head to my stomach. I’m in need of a bucket.

“Not so loud Jamie” I hushed him, covering my eyes to shield them from the sun, not even sunglasses were enough this morning.

He walked over with a big grin on his face, kneeling down beside the sun lounger so his face was in line with mine.

“Feeling a little delicate Bee?” he asked, acting sympathetic but I could trace the sarcasm in his voice.

“I reckon its more than a little after she threw up her insides throughout the night, I didn’t even drink that much and I’ve got a hangover just from being awake all night with her” Libby sighed from her sun lounger, rolling away from me.

“I’m sorry Lib” I whined pathetically. I really did feel bad, but not as bad as my head or stomach felt so I couldn’t muster up too much guilt.

“Do you need anything?” he asked me, quietly.

“No thank you” I frowned at first, abit thrown by his consideration but then smiled slightly, “my dad just bought me aspirin, just no bombing into the pool today ey?”

“Yeah sure, no problem” he chuckled as he pulled a sun lounger up next to mine, laying a towel down before lying on it.

As the day wore on, I started to feel more human. I stayed on my lounger pretty much all day, reading. I took note of how Jamie stayed by my side; he took my request seriously and didn’t even venture into the pool. When it got to late afternoon, my parents decided to take a walk into the town and asked if anyone wanted to go.

“Yeah I think a walk might do me good actually, Lib, you coming?” I said, pulling on my denim shorts and baggy vest over the top of my bikini.

“Nah I’m comfortable here thanks, but if you see anything nice to buy, get me one too and ill give you the money back” she said, rolling onto her back to carry on tanning.

“Okay,” I chuckled, slipping on my flip-flops and following my parents down the driveway to the gates.

“Wait up,” Jamie called, as he jogged to catch us up as we reached the gates and turned onto the lane. I turned and caught his eye and he smiled a genuine smile. Not a smirk, or a devilish smile, just a smile that lit up his face even more than the sun did. Well that’s a first I suppose.

“You two carry on, I’ll wait for him,” I said, as my parents shrugged and carried on walking up towards the town.

When he saw me waiting, he slowed down to a walk and reached me just as my mom and dad turned the corner, out of sight. We were alone again. I couldn’t help but stare at his hard toned body as he walked towards me. Is he trying to torture me? I looked him up and down and I saw a small smile of recognition from him before I looked away, embarrassed at being caught.

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