Chapter 14

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Authors Note: To all my readers, i know this has taken a while. It's not even that it wasn't written because i have actually very nearly completed this book. I have just been so busy It gets in the way a lot and i know thats a stupid excuse but its true, it has gotten in the way of my writing before and i hate it because writing is my passion but its the reason this book has taken me nearly two years to write and also why you have been waiting for so long for this next chapter. But i hope its worth the wait and i promise to try and not let life get in the way in the future! So with out  further or do...enjoy.

Chapter 14

            “Are you kidding me?”


            “Right, so you’re being serious?”


            “You’re actually not joking about this are you?”

            “I am not”

            “You actually do this?”

            “Yes! What part of this are you not getting?”

            “So…you actually rock yourself to sleep every night?” Jamie asks, an incredulous look on his face.

            “Yeah, since I can remember,” I reply, shrugging but secretly cursing to myself for telling him one of my quirky habits, “I can remember my mom rocking me to sleep when I was little and then when I started sleeping in a big bed, she stopped and I found myself lying awake so I started rocking and the next thing I know I’ve fallen asleep and so yeah its kind of become a habit”

            “Wow, I feel sorry for any bed buddies you have in the future” he chuckles and I glare at him. For some reason I suddenly feel annoyed at his assumption.

            “How do you know I haven’t already got bed buddies now?” I retort and his eyes shoot to mine before he can stop them. There hasn’t been anyone, but that’s beside the point, he shouldn’t jump to conclusions about me and my love life. He has moved on with Ruth so for all he knows I could have moved on too.

            “Have you?” he asks sharply and I flinch at his tone. How can he say something like that to me, question me like he still has some kind of hold on me, and me not read into his words?

            “Well…no but I don’t really think that’s any of your business” I say back just as sharply. He sits back on his side of the sofa and rubs his hands over his face. I don’t know how the conversation got to this point but I don’t like it and I crave the easygoing chat we have had for most of the afternoon.

            “You’re right,” he says on a sigh, “It’s not any of my business, it’s just difficult when the last time we hung out things like that were my business, it’s hard to break away from that”

            “Jamie, you have Ruth now, you can’t say things like that to me,” I sighed, looking away from him and taking a deep breath, “it took me a long time to get over you and I want to be your friend I really do, so lets just try and forget whatever happened in the past, ok?”

            “Are you?”

 I glanced at him, confusion marring my face.

            “Am I what?”

            “Over me?”

            I tried to take my eyes off of him to answer this question. If I lied, he would see it written all over my face, but if I told the truth we would be in territory that I’m not sure either of us are ready to be in yet.

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