Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

            "Ok, so I know Logan and I have been so shit at setting you up with someone, but I have a feeling that your luck is going to change in the love department" Lib dropped this comment on me as we were sweating our tits off, on a jog around the local park and surrounding streets.

            Neither of us were gym bunnies who worked out every day and ate super healthy. I wish I was like that, maybe then I wouldn't have so many wobbly bits, but cake was just too damn tasty to give up.

            However, we tried to go out for a jog a couple of times a week, mostly to have a catch up with each other, away from distractions in the apartment and it was a bonus that we could exercise at the same time and be a little healthier.

            "Thanks for your insightfulness mystic meg, but I actually don't want to find anyone right now, I need to work on moving on from Jamie once and for all and to do that I need to be able to look at a guy and not wish he was Jay" I look at her to gage her reaction to my impromptu speech but she gives nothing away.

            "Ok, I get what you're saying, all I'm saying is you never know what's round the corner" I roll my eyes at her vagueness and we run the rest of the way in silence.

As we literally turn the corner that leads back onto our street we come across a huge removal van outside of our building. I do a mental checklist of who lives in the building and can't recall hearing of anybody moving out. As I enter the already open door, I spot Logan and Cameron guiding what looked like removal men up the stairs with boxes and furniture in their hands

            "Hey what's going on? You moving out Cam?" I say this with a hint of sadness. I like Cam, he is a nice guy and a good neighbour and I would miss him if he left.

            "Nah don't worry babe you can't get rid of me that easy, I'm getting a roommate," he tells me with a wide grin. I see Logan and Lib share a worried look but I dismiss it. They are such a weird couple.

            "Ahh ok, boy or girl?" I question, as we both follow them up the stairs.

            I'm excited for him to get a roommate. I love living with Lib. I love having someone to come home to, someone I can rant to if I have had a bad day and someone to share exciting news with if something good has happened. I love that it is Lib. But I'm also aware that a little part of me wishes it were someone else. I look at Lib and Logan and that they get to share all these little things with each other and I hope I find that someday.

            "A boy actually, he is really cool, I think you'll like him, don't you think Lo?" Cam aims his question at Logan, but Logan looks away quickly. What is with him today? I mean, Logan can be weird at the best of times, it usually makes me chuckle but it is kind of unnerving me today.

            "erm...ahem yeah I suppose she will" Logan mumbles and disappears into Cam's apartment with a lamp.

            "Oh, well I look forward to meeting him" I shoot Logan's back a weird look as he retreats and turn to open my door.

            "Well I told Lo I'd bring him over later this evening if that's ok? His stuff got here before he did but he is due to arrive within the hour, so I was thinking of giving him some time to settle in and then bringing over a pizza for everyone to meet each other" Cameron suggests and I look over my shoulder to see a twinkle in his eye. Something is going on here, this better not be another set up.

            "Ok, sure, I'll put some beer in the fridge for later"

            "Great, see you both a bit later then"

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